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I woke up to someone ripping my bunks privacy curtain open. 

"What the fuck," I groaned, flipping over. 

"Get up," I heard Seb say from the other side of the bus, "our set is in, like, hour." 


I got out of my bunk, made myself some coffee, then started doing my makeup in the bathroom. As I started putting on eyeshadow, Rem came in, not bothering to knock. 

"What if I was, like, naked? You've gotta learn to knock." I told him, not looking away from the mirror. He grabbed the eyeliner.

"We're going to be living together for 3 months. There's no such thing as privacy on this bus."

"Fair point." We continued to do our makeup, humming softly to AC/DC.

Soon after, I was dressed and ready to go. I had decided on a stage style for the tour, which was dark but cute. I was wearing a dress for today, one similar to Wednesday Adams, and knee high socks. 

I stepped outside of the bus with my bass in hand. 

"Wow," Remington came out of the bus a few minutes after me. Immediately, screaming could be heard from the other side of the fence. Fans had seen us. "You look..."

"Nervous," I finished. 

"I was going to say gorgeous, but I guess that's another way to put it," he laughed. "C'mon. We're gonna be late." He took my shaky hand and we started walking towards the stage. The screaming of the fans grew as he gripped my hand, gently but firm at the same time. 

Black Veil Brides had just finished their set. Emerson, Sebastian, Remington and I stood on the side of the stage while they left. 

"Good luck, guys!" Andy said, hugging the guys. "Who's this?" he asked, holding out his hand for me to shake. 

As he and I shook, I introduced myself. "I'm Juliana. I'm their new touring bassist."

"Juliana. Thats a beautiful name. Is this your first time playing Warped?" 

"Any big show, actually. I used to have a band that played small basement gigs, but this is my first show that doesn't have cobwebs in the ceiling or an amp on a washing machine from the 90s."

"Good for you! Well, I have to go, but good luck. I'm sure you'll do an amazing job. See you around, guys." Andy flashed me a smile and walked off to his bus. 

"He seemed nice." I said once again gripping Rem's hand. I was shaking more violently now. 

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" he asked, looking worried. 

"Y-yeah. After I start playing, I'll be fine."

"You'll be great. They're going to love you." 

I just nodded. 

A/N sorry for the shorter update! I want the next chapter to be a good one, so I'm going to put it all in one instead of splitting it up. What's your favorite BVB song? Mine's Rebel Love Song. Have a good day!

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