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My bunk had a cutout that faced the living area so I didn't have to leave my bed to hang out with everyone. The boys were all sat around the tv playing Mario Cart. Remington was in his bunk, which also had a cutout like mine, Emerson was on the floor, and Sebastian laid on the couch, stomach-down. 


"Too bad," Em replied, and he shot it. 

"GOD DAMN IT," Seb yelled, standing up, "I'M GOING TO MY BUNK." He threw his controller into my bunk as he left. 

The next round was the hardest level, so I wasn't ready at all. After a lap, I was ahead of Rem, who was the reigning champion of the game. 

He stood up, still steering, and started tickling me. I immediately dropped my controller and tried to push him off. "Rem, stop, please, sTOP, NO," I shouted as he finished in first, Em in second, and me dead last. 

He backed off, laughing. "Its...it's not... funny..." I said, out of breath and shaking. 

"It's funny AND it's cute. Double reason to be laughing." He said matter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes. 

"Get a room, you two," Emerson said, standing up and going outside. 

"Perhaps we will." Rem said, grinning. 


It was around 1pm when Rem said we should venture out into the festival. Immediately I refused, but he wormed me into it, and soon we were walking around the packed parking lot. 

Since 3 different bands were playing sets when we walked out, it was almost impossible to hear. It was really hard to walk through the rows of tents, so Rem decided to carry me. 

"Rem, no, not heRE," I shouted as he hoisted me up. 

"Look, you didn't hit anyone! Success!" He cheered, weaving his way through people. 

Rem was 6'1, so on his back, I could see way more than I could than if I was standing at my regular 5'5 position. People were lined up to meet bands, some we heading to paid meet and greets backstage, some were waiting for food, but the longest lines were for the bathroom, which I found funny. 

We made our way to the Palaye merch booth, where a pair of young girls were picking out their shirts. When they had picked, one girl looked in her pocket to see that she was short a few dollars. A frown on her face, she started to hand back her shirt. 

"No," I said stepping in front of the random girl working the booth. Since I stopped working the booth, the venue would just send in one of their employees each show. I gave her back the shirt, along with a free Palate Royale. 

The young girl and her friend just stared back in shock as I gave back their money and put my own into the cash box. "I used to be a concert goer, and I remember how shitty it was when I couldn't afford the merch." I handed them their shirts, and they grinned. 

"You're the new bass player, Juliana, right?" I nodded. "Thank you, so much." the girl said. 

"You're welcome," I said, and they happily walked off towards another tent. 

I had almost forgotten Rem was there. 

"You, I, who ARE you?" he joked, twirling me around. 

"Trust me, I remember going to see MCR when I was younger and being no joke a DOLLAR short, and they made me give it back. I hate seeing that happen to people. It breaks my heart."

"That's why I love you."

"You- wait. Wait. What?" I looked at him, shocked. He still hadn't put me down.  

"You heard me. That's why I love you. Even though you're shy and anxious as hell, you're so generous and kind. Like at that gas station on the way here. You saw that homeless man outside, and you bought him a snack, a water, and hand warmers without even thinking about it. He probably wasn't even homeless. You're beautiful, inside and out."

Then he kissed me. 

He crashed his lips into mine, slightly parted, and I kissed right back with no hesitation. His lips were so soft, and when we broke for air, he laughed softly.

"See? You're even a good kisser."

I giggled. It felt like everyone was watching us, when only a few were.

"You're fuckin' perfect, Remington Leith." 

We kissed again, but this time, my lips crashed first. 

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