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Towards the end of the day, Sebastian burst into the bus, startling us all. 

"INTERVIEW IN 15 MINUTES!" He shouted. 

"Am I going, too?" I asked, not moving from the couch.

"I mean, you're a part of the band," Emerson said, straightening his hat.

"Daniel never did interviews," I said.

"But you're not Daniel. Listen, he's not coming back. You're officially part of the band. Palaye Royale is now a quartet." Remington said, grinning and extending his hand, pulling me up. 

I grinned. "Okay then. 5 minutes."

Not long after, we were on our way to a tent on the grounds. Apparently, fans could pay a good $25 to watch the interview, so it had to be at a spot where they could access it. The boys and I stood to the side of the tent, getting ready.

"So basically, act normal. She's just another person asking you questions. Think of it like a Tei class, but its getting put on YouTube," Emerson explained. This was my first ever interview, so I was scared. 

"Hey, guys! My name is Alicia," A girl with wavy brown hair said as she approached the four of us, holding a microphone. "I'll be interviewing you today. You all know how interviews work, correct?" We all nodded. 

"Cool! I'm about to introduce you all. Say, what's your name again?" She asked me. 

"Oh. I'm Julianna Simmons." I told her. 

"Julianna Simmons. Pretty name. Anyways, I'll see you guys out there!" She bounded off, still repeating my name. 

Remington turned to me. "You doing okay, love?" I nodded. 

"You'll be great," he said, rubbing my back. A man on the side of the tent motioned to us that it was time, and we walked in front of the crowd. 

We waved to everyone and settled in our lawn chairs. I was shaking slightly. Rem must have noticed because he casually rested his hand on top of mine. A few girls squealed when they saw it. I giggled. 

The interview went by fast. I had answered a few question, like how I knew the boys and how long I'd been playing bass. 

Towards the end, Alicia turned to Remington and I. 

"So, I have a question that I'm sure all of your twitter and Instagram followers are dying to know the answer to," she said.

"Shoot," Remington said, making me and the rest of the crowd laugh a bit. 

"Are you two really dating?"

The question hung in the air for what felt like an eternity. I felt my face heat up, but I was wearing blush, so no one really noticed. 

"Do you wanna, yknow, say it, or should I?" Rem whispered to me, holding the mic away. 

Before I could answer, I held up my mic.

"We sure are." I smiled when I said it, and so did Rem. 

It seemed like there was an explosion of excitement. Every girl in the tent started squealing with what was probably a mix of happiness and disappointment. 

"Well, you two are awfully cute together," Alicia said, grinning.

"Yeah, sickeningly cute," Emerson and Sebastian said at the same time.

"Oh, shove it," I laughed, reaching over to slap them lightly. 

"Well, that's all the time we have for today! A very special thank you to our little audience, and, of course, the lovely members of Palaye Royale!" Alicia beamed. 

We met with a few fans after they had informed us the filming had ended. They were all gone soon, rushing to see one more set before heading home. 

On our way to the bus, Remington and I held each others hands, not letting go until we arrived. 

"You did a phenomenal job, my little star," Rem said, grabbing my by the waist right outside the bus. Everyone was already inside. 

"Remington," I said between a smile as he pinned me to the bus, kissing my neck. 'Rem, people are around."

"I don't give a fuck. Let's go somewhere."

"But Sebastian," I pointed out. 

"He did tell us to get a hotel room," Rem rebutted, "and we have a day off tomorrow. We can go walk around our old town."

I pulled out my phone, leaning on Remington. "An Uber's on its way."

"Spectacular," he grinned, pulling my up for a kiss.

Jesus Christ, I think I'm really in love.

A/N Hello loves! I thought I'd make up for the inactivity with an extra long chapter! What did you guys think? Have an amazing day, friends!

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