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The alarm on my phone went off, softly playing Amy by Green Day. I rolled over and slapped my hand on my phone, silencing it. I flipped back over, resting my head in the nook of Remington's neck. 

"Hi," he whispered.


He searched under the covers for my hand, and finally found it. He took it and rubbed his thumb on mine, which was a funny little habit of his that I liked. 

"So," I sat up and swung my legs over the bed, " Shall we go see my hometown?" 

I saw him nod in the dark, so I stood up, grabbed a plaid skirt and a t-shirt, and went to get changed. 

I emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, holding my makeup bag. 

"Hey Remy, my hands are shaking for some reason, can you-" I stopped when I saw him shirtless with only the yellow pad pants that matched my skirt. 

"What?" He asked, turning to me. 

"Nothing," I smiled, feeling myself turn red. 

His stupid abs and his stupid tattoos and his stupid v-line. Goddamn it. 

He started laughing and took the bag from me. "Sit," he requested as he sat on the bed. 

I sat. 

"Come closer. I can't see."

I moved forward. He motioned for me to move closer still. 

"Wow, you really are blind, huh, babe?" I joked. He rolled his eyes. 

"I forgot my glasses on the bus. Just-" He grabbed my by the waist, making me squeal a little, and plopped me on his waist. 

A few minutes later, he was done, so he put on a shirt, I grabbed my bag, and we set out. 

Up until I was six years old, right before I met the boys, I lived in a very small beach town called Merton. This town is the kind of town where everyone knows everyone, and everyone that has ever lived here. 

We had stayed in a small motel not to far from Main Street, so we decided to walk. I had decided our first stop was my favorite coffee shop, which I used to like because they had incredible doughnuts. My mom also used to work here when I was younger, so I spent a lot of time here. 

"Hi, Kathy," I said, walking through the door, Remington trailing behind me. 

"How do you-" he began to ask, but he was quickly silenced when the older woman from behind the counter came around and hugged me. 

"Julianna?" She asked in disbelief. I just nodded. 

"God, it's been ages! How's your mother doing, dear?" She went back behind the counter, grabbing me my favorite doughnut. 

"She's doing well," I answered, taking the doughnut from her reach, "We're actually going to be in Vegas for our tour very soon. She's coming to visit us then."

"Wait, back up," Kathy said, waving her hands, "You're on tour? In a band?" She asked.

"Yeah," I smiled, "This is actually the lead singer! Remington, this is Kathy. My mom used to work here, so she's like an aunt to me." 

"It's very nice to meet you, ma'm," Rem grinned, extending his hand to shake. 

Kathy smiled back warmly. "Well, it's very nice to meet you, too. I expect you're treating her well?" 

Rem and I both gaped at her. "How did you-" 

"Your mother told me, dear. She's very happy for you two." She said, patting me on the back. 

"Well, we'd better get going. I was planning on showing him the rest of the town." I hugged Kathy, and we were on our way, hand in hand. 

As soon as we were away from the shop, he grabbed me up by the waist and kissed me. 

I started skipping, pulling him behind and grinning like a maniac.

A/N Hello my loves! The song at the top is the alarm song that goes off, I love it very much. Also, do you all know the yellow pad pants that Remington owns? That's the pattern that I was talking about when I mentioned the skirt and pants! This chapter takes inspiration from my home town, as I live very close to the beach, and my best friends mom works in a coffee shop down the street from my work, so I naturally spend a lot of time there! Have a great day!

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