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We had one more day off in New Jersey on the last day of tour, so I decided to take everyone to see the Grounds for Sculpture. 

"That sounds boring, though," Emerson groaned while we all sat in his room eating cereal we swiped from the hotel breakfast bar. 

"It's beautiful, and plus, we can have a mini photoshoot. It'll be fun, Em. Promise."

Rem grinned, then turned to Louis and I. "Can you step out for a sec? We've gotta have a Kropp family talk for a second." 

"Sure," I said, heading to my room so I could change. 

By the time I had changed and started doing my makeup, Rem entered the room. 

"What was that all about?" I asked, poking my head out the doorway. 

"It was basically just Sebastian and I yelling at Emerson to stop being such a dickhead." He came into the bathroom and snatched my eyeliner pen from my hand. "Close your eye."

"Apparently Seb and that waitress from New York- open- are getting pretty serious. Close em' again." He said. 

"Oh, really?" I smirked, "He actually called her more than once? And she answered?"

"Yup," he laughed. "You cam open your eyes now."

I did, and I reached for the lock around his neck. 

"Where did you even get this?" I asked him as he looked for blush. 

"I don't even remember. I've had it forever."

"Ah," I said as he finished, and out the door we headed. 


After about an hour of walking around the grounds, Rem and I found a small bridge. He looked into the water below it, as if he was thinking about a life-changing decision. 

"What're you thinking about, love?" I asked him. He turned to me. 

"You. Julianna, since we were 6, you've made me feel something. Something no one else has made me feel. It's crazy. Whenever I look at you, I think, damn, I really am the luckiest guy around."

I laughed. "Rem, why-"

Before I could finish, he grabbed my hand, and whispered, "Turn around and count to 5." I did as he told me. 

I spun around, and my legs almost gave out. 

He was on one knee, holding a simple gold band in his hand.

"Wh- I- Remington, you've got to be kidding!"

"Will you be mine,  forever and always? I know we haven't been dating for long, but-"

"Shut your dumb fucking mouth and kiss me," I said, and he grinned like a child. He scooped me up, kissed me, and then put me down, carefully placing the band on my left ring finger. 

We walked away through the trees hand in hand, linked forever. 

A/N Hello my dears! I have come to the difficult decision that I am going to stop working on this book. I know many of you like this story a lot, but school and marching band have gotten in the way of my creative process. I will still be working on my one-shots and other stories, but I am currently in the process of coming up with a killjoy book, and I just have no motivation to work on this story anymore. Who knows, if you all really want it, I might make a sequel to this story! Thank you for all the support, and I will see you all next time!

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