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The next morning, I heard Emerson walk by, yelling at Sebastian. I flipped over in bed and jumped when I saw Remington. 

"Shit," I whispered, and Rem stirred. 

"What?" He asked groggily, rubbing his eyes with the hand that wasn't around my torso. 

"They're gonna find us," I sat up, but he pulled me back.

"Now, would that be so bad?"

I blushed. "No and yes." 

"Relax. It'll be fine."

Not even a minute later, I heard someone walk in front of and rip the curtain of my bunk open. 

"What the fuck? Did she run away?" Emerson shouted. Rem and I started giggling, and I flipped so my head was in his chest. 

The curtain of Rem's bunk was ripped open, and someone in the bus gasped. 

"You two, I, uh, what?" Emerson stuttered. 

"Hi," Rem said, and I just lifted up a hand and waived backwards, my head still in his chest. 

"What's so- oh my-" Sebastian walked over and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw us. 

"Hey," I said this time, raising my head and flipping over. 

"FINALLY!" Em and Sebastian started dancing. This was the first time in a long time I had seen them actually hug. 

Remington started laughing, and it was so contagious that I did too. I scooted out of the bunk and he followed. I hadn't realized that I was only in a sports bra and shorts. 

A few minutes later, I emerged from the bathroom, this time wearing an old AC/DC shirt I'd found tucked into a black high waisted skirt.

"'Sup," I said, flipping on the shitty coffee maker in the bus.

"Nothing," Emerson replied from behind me, fiddling with the remote for the TV, "You obviously had an eventful night."

"Actually, no," I said. Coffee started to drip down into the pot. 


"Nope. He just punched my bed, told me he couldn't sleep, asked me to come down, and I fell asleep. It was nice."

"Mmmhmm." He raised a skeptical eyebrow, and I rolled my eyes. 

"You would have heard it if anything happened." I said sarcastically, pouring coffee into a travel cup and getting down the cream and sugar. He gagged. 

"That is- Nope, nope, nope." He walked away. 

Sebastian practically crashed through the door to the bus in his cheesy-ass tracksuit. 

"Let me guess," I said, sitting down, "Sporty Seb?" 

"Yep," he panted. 

"Do you need coffee?" He nodded. I stood up and poured him a cup. 

"Thanks. So, you and Rem, huh? Was last night fun?"

"Jesus Christ, Sebastian, no. I just went over this with Emerson. He just punched my bed, said he couldn't sleep, asked me to come down, we talked for a little bit and then I fell asleep on him. Trust me, if we really did anything you would have heard it."

"Ew, but I believe you. I think you guy's are good together." He smiled and took a sip of his drink. 

"We're not even dating. It was just one night. I fell asleep, that's it." I turned around to hide my red face. 

"Well, I did see a tweet that you and him were tagged in." He opened his phone and showed it to me. My heart sank. I forgot about this. 

The tweet read, "OMG SO @remingtonleith AND @therealjulianasimmons SHOWED UP AT THE PALAYE MERCH TENT AND BOUGHT MY FRIEND AND I SHIRTS AND THEN WE TURNED AROUND AND SAW THIS! SCREAMING RN! THEY'RE SO CUTE TOGETHER!!!" Below was a picture of us when we kissed. 

I flushed. Motherfucker.

"Are you okay?" Remington and Emerson asked at the same time. 

I couldn't say anything. I sat down in my bunk as Seb showed the others. 

"Shit," Rem muttered. I know it wasn't the worst thing that there was about him on the internet, but he knew that I was a bit embarrassed. 

"Soundcheck in 10, ladies and gents!" Louis shouted into the van, and Rem looked back at me as the other two left. 

"C'mon. Let's go show those bastards who's boss. Also, is that my shirt?" 

"Perhaps," I smiled. The pit in my stomach was gone. 

A/N Hello All! I hope you enjoyed this somewhat lengthy update! I don't know how long the next one's gonna be, but be ready for a surprise ;) (you probably all know what's coming). On another note, what do you think of this story so far? I think this is one of the better ones that I've written other than one that I wrote with an ex-friend of mine, and that one made me cry when I wrote it. Have a lovely rest of your day!

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