Chapter 1

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The full moon shown brightly in the night sky as a black-robed figure walked into the palace. The pale figure walked leisurely, a disinterested stare was fixed upon his face as he continued up the steps to the king's room, a room which used to shine brightly with life at the beginning but now remained a cold stone building. 

Guards came running to stop the figure's path as the King had known a great evil that was headed his way after defying the monsters orders one too many times. The figure was a blur as he killed and drank from the guards the fight itself had lasted very shortly as the beast had other plans for this night.

The figure opened the grand doors covered in blood, he had a manic smile on his face and his eyes were blood red,

"there you are your majesty, I'm afraid your men have met a grave end" the bloody figure smirked but there was no amusement, no emotion on his face as he said this.

"You will never get this kingdom, my father was a coward for not riding this place of a vampire such as you!" the king knew he was no match for the monster, therefore, he had planned this, his very end, to be a distraction. Little did the monster know the king's son, the crowned prince Feng, was riding to meet with a powerful yet peaceful vampire lord to forge a plan to defeat the vile creature.

"my what harsh words from a little man such as yourself, at least your father knew better than to test my patience" the figure was slowly nearing the king as he spoke his red eyes were cat-like regarding the king as prey about to devour him whole. The king drew his sword but the figure was faster and latched on to the king's throat with his teeth drinking his blood aggressively.

The king yelled in pain but it was too late. The vampire let go of him as the king fell to the floor the vampire looked up and breathed in savoring the feeling of blood rushing through his throat. He looked down pityingly to the king as the king used his last breath he hissed out,

"one will die... Cao.. and....on that day...I will....see you in hell" 

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