Chapter 25

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Gethen's eyes flickered open and she sat up stiffly. She looked around and noticed where she was, she tensed.

"your wound has completely healed but you slept for two days," Cao said he was sitting on the steps of his throne holding a book he must have been reading as she slept and staring at her, as soon as he spoke she turned to meet his eyes.

"two days?" she softly said furrowing her brows, the question wasn't really directed at him more to herself as she thought of her friends, they were probably worried sick about her.

"your servants are fine" he coldly added, she swung her legs so she was sitting on the stone slab facing Cao. She searched his face for what she did not know maybe a reason as to why he saved her? no, she already knew why he did that. Maybe she was looking for a lie in his statement, either way, she did not find what she was looking for.

"so you saved me" she stated matter of factly he only smirked,

"yes I did"

"are you going to let me leave?" his smirked faltered at the question Gethen knew the answer but asked anyway 

"no" he answered

"am I a prisoner now?" she asked only slightly joking 

"no" she quirked a brow at that answer

"no? then what am I" she asked, she wasn't as angry as she knew she should be but she felt oddly amused by the outcome of the situation she was in maybe she was hysterical and finally lost it.  

"a guest" he simply answered

"oh a guest that isn't allowed to leave?" she slightly rolling her eyes

he pondered a moment then added a simple, "yes"

"great" she pursed her lips and looked around "you know I don't think I have ever actually been in here before"

Cao looked at curiously and closed the book he was reading, "no?" he asked tilting his head.

"I have seen it through you once and Feng had described it to me before he said it looked like a mausoleum" she smirked glancing around "I guess that's accurate" 

Cao just looked at her seemingly unsure as to how to progress the conversation. Gethen stopped her teasing and looked at him again, they sat in silence for a couple of seconds until Gethen got up to stand and wobbled a little. Cao was holding on to her arm within milliseconds she looked up at him in surprise he let go but still stood close,

"because you saved my life I owe you something in return but I can't just stay here for centuries not when my friends are still out there," she said seriously Cao looked at her incredulously

"and you think I will just let you go?" 

"No, but I do not think either of us wants to spend the rest of eternity in this cave fighting each other" she looked up at him "let me see them and make sure they are okay," she asked sincerely. Cao looked into her eyes for a bit,

"Alright but I am coming with you" he gave her a sideways glance "don't even think of trying anything" she shook her head houghing slightly,

"a deal it is then" she held out her hand for him to shake he looked at it then back at her and hesitantly shook it.

They walked side by side through the palace. Gethen looked around the palace grounds remembering her human years, the good and the bad. When the pair walked out of the palace she turned to look at him and said: "race you through the forest" and sped away. Cao's eyes widened in surprise and ran after her. He had chased her before but it felt different this time, as this time they were running together. It felt surreal, it felt almost like a wolfpack running together and Cao's nerves were buzzing. When they made it to the village they stopped at the path that leads to her library.

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