Chapter 18

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"I'm sure the path was this way," a local farmer said, he was carrying a wagon with crops on it through the forest. He dropped the wagon and scratched his head 

"better get the map" he looked through his bag but it was hard to see in the dark, he reached for a lantern not looking away from his bag his reach for the light kept coming up empty as his arms were a little short. His hand finally grabbed the lantern the light allowing him to finally find the map,

"ah there we go" he laughed 

"your welcome" a deep voice said from behind him. 

The man screamed in fright which turned into pain as the red-eyed monster bit into his neck. The blood sprayed onto the man's things as Cao drank his blood fervently.

The empty body crumpled to the ground and Cao stood above him blood dripped off his lips onto his once black robes but now were covered in dirt, as he had buried himself in the dirt to protect himself from the sun. Cao brushed off the dirt on his shoulders he looked up at the sky glaring at the moon seemingly blaming it for how the previous night went.

The anger he felt was unmatched. He yelled into the night sky. Gideon! that pile of ashes still mocks him even in the great beyond he thought, Cao had always known he was hiding something from him. Day-walking was possible and Gideon gave that power to her and not him! they were both his creations and he dares choose a favorite. 

It all makes sense now how she was able to hide for 200 years, how she was able to live amongst humans she basically is one of them! that thought infuriated him the most.

He did not enjoy losing and he was going to make sure she feels his rage starting with the redhead.

Gethen laid on the floor in her library, Mai and Rosa had met her there earlier that morning the three women were battered and bruised but only one was hungry. Gethen needed blood and she needed blood now. She had sent Mai, who was the least injured, to find a donor as quickly as possible but the people were still shaking in their houses from the vampire attack they had. Mai came back empty-handed and Gethen refused to drink from them when they offered.

Mai used the herbs and her various medical knowledge, that Gethen forced her to learn years ago, to help Rosa who would have to be bedridden for the next couple of weeks but there was not much she could do for Gethen her wounds could heal on their own she just needed blood to help her. So the three of them sat in the quiet library common room just breathing and reflecting. 

"well at least we won, right?" Mai awkwardly joked 

Honestly, Gethen did not feel like she won anything. She laid there staring at the stone ceiling trying her hardest to ignore the smell of blood coming from her friends. 

"do we even know if he is alive or like undead or whatever?" Mai asked 

"I am afraid he is very much alive and is very, very angry with me" Gethen sighed "he will likely come to kill you two and probably everyone in this village"

"well that's grim," Mai said plainly.

"We should get you two out of the country" Gethen continued

Mai looked incredulously at her, "We can't just go"

"shes right we can't just leave you" Rosa weakly added 

Gethen saw the look in Cao's eyes when they fought last night and it didn't help that she felt herself slipping away right after she met those eyes. Those eyes that say 'let go, be free with me and let go'

"his men are going to be searching all over for us now that they know I am here it is time we split up and leave" Mai and Rosa shared a look 

"what about the villagers?" Mai pleaded "they are injured and scared the only person who could heal these people is dead we should help them"

"They will catch you and kill you if you do. Go pack your things" Gethen told her sternly. Gethen got up from where she was laying but struggled due to her weakened state. Mai rushed to keep her upright but Gethen waved her away.

"where are you going?" Mai asked worriedly, Gethen sighed squaring her shoulders like she about to fight.

"to do something bad" Gethen wobbled to a nearby house mentally preparing herself to drink from an unwilling victim, she could practically feel Cao smirking at her.

Just then she saw a woman searching the dead bodies on the ground for money and other goods. Gethen's fangs came out and her eyes became red,

she pounced drinking her blood she stopped before she killed the woman but it was too late when the body became limp Gethen let go and wiped the blood off her mouth with a pained expression. 

"I'm sorry" she whispered but a part of her, the part she hated, wasn't sorry at all.

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