Chapter 26

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"What more do you have to do for them?" Cao inquired,

"they are still injured so I will help heal them but I have given my last orders I shall say my goodbyes after the healing and leave" Gethen suddenly smirked teasingly "and I imagine you will want to stay outside and avoid the mushy human emotions", Cao grimaced at the thought of human sentiment and tsked.

"I will leave you to it" she nodded and left Cao to wait for her.

Cao stood on the balcony feeling the night breeze on his face. He looked at the moon taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself but before he could breathe out he suddenly quirked his head to the right catching a scent in the night air. Without thinking he jumped off the balcony and sped toward the scent.

"it's somewhere in these woods I know it" Yates spoke to the empty air there was a frenzy in his eyes and dried blood on his clothes, the almost black blood of a vampire.

"Indeed it is" Cao deep voice responded, Yates jumped clearly startled from his rambling

"Master!" he fell into a bow, Cao smirked at the obedience with angry red eyes

"it would seem you have been busy" Cao stated with a dark edge in his voice as his eyes shifted over to the blood on Yates's clothes.

"yes! yes, your highness, I have wounded your enemy! I did it I-" Yates rambled in cheery madness  

"ENOUGH! I know very well what you did!" Cao bellowed looming over the other man "you very nearly killed her I could have lost her!"

Yates cowered away from the vampire and confusion colored his face.

"But-but my lord she-" 

"you dare question me! I said she was to be brought to me ALIVE and now you will pay with your weight in blood the same amount that I lost in saving her"

"no! my lord-" Yates barely had the plea out when Cao bit into his neck draining him dry.

"wait so I don't understand what do you mean his blood is affecting her?" Mai's troubled tone whispered as they didn't want the two vampires to hear.

"It must be why she's agreeing so easily, remember in her texts she said blood sharing for vampires does things to them" Rosa hurriedly whispered already forming a plan, "she needs us to help her she can't separate herself from him on her own, not anymore"

"I still don't under-" Mai's frustrated whispers were interrupted by Rosa hitting her in warning that Gethen was approaching.

"I have loaded the cart for you to take your belongings far from here," Gethen said distantly

"do we have to? can't we just stay here even if you go with him?" Mai pleaded again, Gethen shook her head

"it is best if you go I do not want you to witness what could become of me" the acceptance in Gethen's voice only fueled the girls more wanting to shake some sense into her.

"if you know then why not fight it?" Rosa asked after letting Mai ask most of the questions. Gethen stared at the floor,

"I-" Gethen suddenly looked up eyes flicking over the room and sniffing the air

"what is it?" Rosa asked stepping closer to her

"a vampire has been made this night"

After Gethen felt a vampire was turned, she helped the girls pack up some stuff on a wagon and dressed their wounds giving her blood to heal the worst of their wounds. She was heading outside when she felt Cao return from whatever he was doing. When he left she felt his rage through their connection and she wondered what he was doing out in the woods and why had he turned someone? Cao walked up to her slowly his magnificent robe trailing behind him. 

"do I want to know?" Gethen asked Cao scoffed

"cutting a loose end, my dear" Cao answered the term of endearment sliding out of his mouth with ease it didn't go unnoticed by Gethen but she chose not to address it. 

Cao strolled closer to her standing right next to her looking at her face searching her eyes, Gethen quirked a brow at the action.

Gethen's surprise only increased when she felt through their connection a yearning. Cao rested his cold hand on her shoulder the gesture was foreign like he wasn't sure how to approach her.  He looked at her then and drew his face in closer as if to kiss her but when he was inches away she turned her head so if he kissed her it would be on the cheek and not the lips.

He stiffened when she rejected his advances and smiled as he expected no less from her. Still, he pressed a light kiss on her pale cheek it was quick and left a heavy feeling in her chest.

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