Chapter 24

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Cao paced around the stone slab as the doctors finished up working on the wound. One doctor was lying dead on the floor from a bite wound as Cao had killed him in a fit of rage.

"If you can't save her you will pay with your lives" he had barked at them and he meant it. This only caused the other two doctors to be fearful as they continued their work, hands shaking.

"your majesty we have done what we can she needs blood now and lots of it" one doctor shakingly advised knowing it might mean they both die, Cao looked serious

"leave us" he coldly commanded and they didn't need to be told twice and ran out.

Cao looked at a nearby pool of water, that served as a stone bath, then looked at Gethen. He carefully lifted her up and carried her to the pool gently putting her down into the water. He took his long red robe off leaving him in his red silk hanfu, he got in the bath on the other side. He rolled up his sleeve and used his sharp fingernail to cut his wrist on both arms letting the blood flow in the water. The water became red and Cao did his best to scoop up some water and pour it onto the wound lightly. After a while of the pouring, he looked at her face again he raised his hand slowly toward her face to brush away some strands of hair but when he was an inch away he stopped and pulled back staring at his hand and then looking back up at her.

He studied her face taking in her dark eyelashes, her sharp cheekbones, her rosy lips. Her overwhelming nearness was driving him crazy, he wanted her to open those eyes and stare directly into his soul he wanted her to see him the way no one else had but the great fear of being known made him hesitate.

He checked over the wound and it was healing up nicely she would live but she probably wouldn't wake up for a while. He got out of the bath feeling light-headed at the loss of blood ignoring it he took her out of the bath lying her back on the slab. His eye trailed to her hand he reached his hand to hold her smaller one in his, he raised her hand to his lips and left a delicate kiss on her knuckles.

He felt a tug in his mind causing him to tilt his head in confusion. He closed his eyes without even realizing when he opened his eyes he was standing by a river surrounded by willow trees that blew in the spring breeze. He looked around at the unfamiliar place letting his eyes adjust to the sunlight, there was a house that looked rather old, but still homey, a bit farther away and bluebells grew beautifully in the tall grass.

Suddenly, there she was. 

She was laughing as she jogged through the bluebells and grass. She looked happier and lighter than he had ever seen her.  He took a step back and put his hand on his heart his eyes were wide. Looking at her smiling face, free of everything, it hit him like a ton of bricks and he wanted it, he craved for that happiness to be wrapped around him like a warm blanket, to be directed at him in any shape or form. 

She spun around letting the breeze wash over her arms, halfway through the spin her eyes met his and it had seemed like time stopped. She took a step closer and so did he until there was only the small river between them. She smiled and raised her arms palms open facing like she was asking for a hug, she was calling him and he was eager to listen. 

He moved to reach for her hands when she suddenly disappeared and the world went grey around him he looked around frantically. He suddenly noticed his hands were covered in blood he stared almost like he was looking through them.

Then he was back in the cave holding her hand, he let go as if she had burned him. She was still fast asleep, Cao couldn't look at her anymore worried she might see the fear in his eyes even in her sleep. 

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