Chapter 14

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Cao sat in his throne smiling to himself and playing with a golden dagger, he was closer than he had ever been to finding her. He had had many subordinates who failed to search for her during the day for him but none had even come close. 90 years ago when she came back he had done the same as he had done now sending out a human to look for her during the day he ended up ripping the man apart for failing on purpose. It would seem some people still follow the king and not him even though the king was nothing more than a mouse. Cao had to keep reminding these people who the real king is and that their precious royal bloodline was nothing more than a facade.

He had to be smart about drawing her out. He had come up with a plan that was sure to bring her out for a small instance and a small instance was all he needed for him to strike. The servant Yates had told him about was described to be caring and foolish just the type Gethen would care for he laughed at the thought that she may possibly be using this human to have some sort of feeling of life again. How dull he thought predators such as them shouldn't even waste the time. 

Cao got up feeling night had fallen, he left his cave he walked along the wall of the palace and saw a guard standing there. Cao's eyes turned red and he walked behind the guard who felt his presence because he turned around and was face to face with the vampire who only smirked then grabbed him before striking his throat with his teeth. The man tried to scream but it was too late he was already dead. His body crumpled on the ground, Cao wiped some of the blood off his face not that it did anything his snack had spattered all over his black robe. 

Cao knelt down looking at the fallen guard,

"do not worry I have given you a gift you are going to serve a great purpose" Cao lifted the arm of the guard and let go letting it flop down, he smiled

"When you wake up you are going to feast on the village she calls home and rain blood on the humans who dare get close to her" with that he rose up and walked away back to his cave.

Yates and a couple of guards walked up to the body and lifted it into a wooden coffin nailing it shut they carried it to a wagon where they dropped it. They got on horses and made for the direction of the village Gethen called home.

Gethen felt a shiver along her spine meaning only one thing: a vampire was made this night but not just by anyone it was made by Cao. It had been a while since she felt Cao turn someone she knew he did not like to turn people unless it for some twisted form of fun, even so, his playthings never last the night the mindless bloodthirsty creations bored him rather quickly, so what was he doing now? she wondered.

Could it be he knew she would feel it? if that was the case she needed to be careful Mai had told her about a search going on and had hoped it wasn't for her but with this happening, she was sure Cao was up to something. She did not enjoy the idea of just letting this newly turned vampire run around but she knew Cao would know exactly where she was if she killed it. She would have to send Rosa to kill it though putting her in harm's way wasn't sitting right. She would give Rosa a white lily remedy to put all over her skin, white lilies blur vampire senses making her undetectable if she had some on. Gethen had found this out in the books Gideon gave Feng but didn't quite understand it until she came across a white lily as a vampire and she couldn't smell it and it burned her to touch it. White lilies and silver both burned to touch but she nevertheless surrounded her servants as well as her board with the flowers and all weapons she had were made from the purest silver. 

She trusted Rosa to kill this vampire and get away safely and she hoped the white lilies would be enough to protect her from Cao in her stead. 

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