Chapter 15

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Screams filled the night air as a newly turned vampire feasted on the villagers, Yates watched from afar as it tore through a woman. His master had been very pleased with his service and Yates felt more powerful than he had before.

"Did you do as I requested?" Yates asked a guard that walked up to him he bowed and replied

"yes my lord the girl will surely be here soon" Yates smiled and nodded.

There was a knock at the door startling Mai from her reading. odd no one knocks on this door at night  Mai thought with concern. She rushed to open the door when she heard crying from behind it,

"Mai! Mai!" the children called as she swung the door open

"what happened? what's wrong?" the kids clung to her legs 

"the doctor lady she is hurt! a man is hurting people in the market square!" one cried

"you all stay here I will go find her and help her" Mai quickly grabbed her healing herbs bag and ran out the door to save her friend.

She ran as fast as she could along the path to the main part of the village the screams of others not even registering in her brain as her thoughts were filled with concern for Iris.

She finally entered the large main street and there were bodies everywhere blood spilled all over the ground like a rabid animal had torn through the large street destroying everything in its path.

"Iris!" Mai called out "Iris!" 

a choked voice from the left called out in response

"M..a..i" Mai ran to the three corpses on the ground and saw Iris laying under one of them she pushed it off and looked at Iris's wounds she had a large stab wound in her chest that looked fatal.

"Iris what happened?! I can get you out of here I can save you" she frantically looked in her bag but Iris's hand paused her motions.

"r...u..n. its...a...tra-" she coughed up blood as it filled her lungs 

"Iris!" Mai cried shaking her now lifeless body "No! Iris!"

as Mai sat there she looked up just as two people ran past her in fear.

Just then a man drenched in blood appear seemingly from nowhere in the middle of the street and its red eyes looked directly at her in frenzied hunger.

Mai moved to run but the vampire was faster and pinned her to the wall, his sharp nails digging into her neck, it was about to bite her when it suddenly hissed in pain dropping her. It looked surprised and angry as it turned to reveal Rosa standing there with a silver sword.

"stay away from her" Rosa growled the only hissed again in reply and attacked. It used it's super speed to toy with her and strike her with its nails as Rosa struck empty air with her sword. It grabbed the sword and threw it away hissing as it burned its hand using the distraction Rosa slashed its stomach with a dagger and it stumbled backward it growled and grabbed Rosa's shoulders throwing her like she weighed nothing several meters across the streetway. When Rosa hit the ground she cried out in pain the vampire wasted no time walking up to her as she backed up on the ground.

Mai jumped on his back clinging on as he thrashed. He grabbed her leg and tossed her on the ground as well she started to cry out in fear and Rosa who was a bit behind her struggled to get up as she had broken a shoulder and the scratch wounds were deeper than she had anticipated.

The look of surprise on the vampire didn't even fully set in when he was suddenly tossed into a wall with a sickening crunch. Standing where he used to be standing was Gethen wearing a black warrior hanbok with her dark hair blowing freely in the wind her red eyes glowed with barely contained rage at the vampire.

"get Rosa out of here and run back home, now!" Gethen commanding through gritted teeth. Mai scrambled to get up and grabbed Rosa who fought back at the help she looked like she wanted to continue to fight but she winced in pain as Mai grabbed her injured arm. They ran back to the path the would lead back to the library.

"You are a lousy excuse for a vampire, you dare hurt people under MY protection" she bellowed shoulders tense and unmoving, she unsheathed her sword the vampire attempted to fight but Gethen was faster and with the speed of a god sliced his head off with one clean strike. His head rolled to the ground and his body slumped to the ground rather comically Gethen remained still for a couple of seconds allowing the blood to drip off of her blade she let go of a breath. In her mind's eye, she could see a dark figure grin predatorily and suddenly vanish. 

Cao was on his way here and he was on his way here fast.

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