Beware the Mark Beaks! part 1

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I was drinking coffee writing a shopping list in the kitchen when Scrooge walked in. He grabbed a plate and started to make his food. I poured a cup of tea and placed it where he would sit. He started talking.

"Mrs. Beakley can you go to the store and get three carts of stick dynamite, a box of headlamps, a map of Europe, more wine glasses, and get my hat dry clean," He stopped talking. I wrote down the last thing and read it back.

"Three carts of stick dynamite, a box of headlamps, a map of Europe, more wine glasses, and get your hat dry clean. That's everything right? Are you planning on throwing a party?" I looked up at him and laughed.

"Yes that's everything but what are you doing in here?" He knit his eyebrows together and I chuckled.

"I love cooking breakfast so Mrs. B put me in charge of it. I do some other small things too when I see they need done." I smiled and held up the grocery list as if to prove my point.

"So that's why the food has been tasting different." I blushed and started to doodle on the list. He realized he had spoken out loud. "A good difference, ____. I might need to start paying you too."

He might be cheap but he didn't like to own someone.

"Thank you but honestly it's the least I can do! I'll make sure to get this list to Ms B." I heard footsteps coming from above us. "That's my cue."

I started to make plates. By the time I was done the door busted open.

"Morning, ____." Webby said, grabbing her plate.

"What's for breakfast?" Huey yawned then was knocked down by Blue. Dewey picked up the plate with the most bacon.

"That's my plate, Dewey!" Louie yelled and tried to hit him.

"Too slow!" Blue dodge.

"Boys!" I heard three "sorrys". I laughed and put some extra bacon on Louie's plate. Huey yawned again. "Huey, did you actually sleep last night? You two watch it."

"No, he stayed up all night reading some dumb book," Louie complained. He just shrugged.

"Uncle Scrooge?" Dewey realized that they weren't alone. "What are you doing down here?"

"Eating." He scoffed through a mouth full of eggs.

"With ____? Ohhhhhh!" Dewey squealed.

"I didn't know she cooked breakfast." He protested with a small blush.

"How?" - H "Yeah that's all she talks about?" - L "He's clearly lying!" - D

"No, it's not. I have other hobbies." The boys rolled their eyes at my protest. "Besides, stop pestering your Uncle or I'm going to eat your breakfast!"

"No, my precious!" "Never!" Dewey and Louie scarfed down their food.

"You, actually eating? Your own food!" "I want to see!" Webby and Huey tried to force-feed me for about five minutes. They gave up when I told them it was going to get cold. They left to get dressed for the day.

"Don't forget that we are going to Launchpad's. Okay ___?" Blue said as he followed his brothers out.

"Got you, Dew." I picked up their plates and went to the sink.

Scrooge cleared his throat and it scared me a little. I had forgotten he was there. He had been silent most of the morning.

"So you don't eat breakfast?" Scrooge asked with some kind of emotion in his voice. Concern? I glanced over my shoulder.

"I eat before they get here. It's sort of an inside joke that I don't eat in front of them. Got Louie convinced I'm part Vampire or something." I answered without looking up from the dishes. He chuckled. I felt him walk over to me. He started cleaning his plate. "I've got that Mr. Mcduck."

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