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I woke up and curled into a ball and just stared at the wall.

(Did I really hurt him that badly? I told him she was alive at least. I gave him hope.)

"Well that could've gone better." Duckworth said. I throw a pillow at the apparition. It sailed through him and hit the door.

"It was your fault." I shot a hateful look at him.

"I suppose so but it was your secrets that did you in." I shot straight up in the bed.

"If I never told him it wouldn't have hurt him!"

"Yes, yes but with-holdin' information about his long lost niece isn't in his best interest." He gave a sly smile.


"Well you know what they say, something about old habits and all?" He floated backwards into the wall.

"I doubt Scrooge would appreciate!" I screamed, before curling up in a ball. I was one to talk.

I rolled over and didn't move. Not even check the hundreds of notifications that I figured, where from Beaks until the doorbell rang. I pulled on a sweater and grabbed my phone, I checked the messages. I actually had some from the kids. I had figured that everyone would hate me now that Magica's magic was gone.


Louie_Cash_Money: Is Scrooge mad @the_real_human?

_Huey_: Yeah we left in a hurry this morning and when we mentioned you he just ignored us.

Dark_Webbs: No way! He was just excited. He didn't mean to leave her.

Sir_Dew: We did kinda leave her.

Dark_Webbs: Pfffhhhh.... nooo way!

Louie_Cash_Money: Okay if you say so Webby


Sir_Dew: *Photo*

Dewey was doing a peace sign in front of a huge white round object. Huey was laughing at a hole and a green blur that I assumed was their brother falling.

Sir_Dew: ______ look at this! Scrooge said this was a giant's skull! Also Louie broke it

Louie_Cash_Money: Yeah yeah... BUT WHO FOUND THE TREASURE ROOM?

Dark_Webbs: Well technically your head.

Louie_Cash_Money: 😡


Dark_Webbs: Lena is coming over can you let her in?

Sir_Dew: Why her?

_Huey_: I think @Sir_Dew means yay

Sir_Dew: yeah that 🙄


The bell rang again and reluctantly, I went to answer.

"I got it Donald," I said as I ran past him in the hall. I got to the door and pulled it open.

"Ew. What are you still doing here?" She crossed her arm. I rolled my eyes and started to walk off but didn't move.

"Are you coming in or do you need an invitation like a vampire?"

"What if I did?" She shut the door and joined me in the living room.

"You could've waited on the porch till Webby got home." She growled at me.

I liked Lena. I really did. I hated how she blindly did what her Aunt told her to, but she didn't really know better. We sat in the living room on opposing couches staring at each other. I don't know how long we were there but I didn't expect Donald's voice so I jumped.

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