The Golden Pain of Dawson!

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The next morning Lena and Webby went off together and I was hanging out with the boys. Dewey was teaching me magic tricks. Louie was teaching me how to pick a lock. Huey was cramming useless facts in my head. This wasn't the first time this had happened but I didn't mind, it was fun to hang out with them. After a few hours of them sharing me Louie and Huey ran downstairs for snacks.

"Any progress, Dew?" He thought about what I was asking.

"No, me and Webby haven't found any more clues."

"I meant, any progress on deciding to tell them?" He jumped up from his seat.

"How can I ruin their image of mom like that?" He thought the note meant she was a thief and I couldn't blame the kid.

"Dewey, you don't know the true meaning of the note. Louie might have a different perspective or Huey might know what the spear is." I know they wouldn't but I was trying to make him feel better.

Before we could finish Donald stormed in, dragging his other two nephews.

"Change. You're going out."


"So, why are we at the gala for the Flintheart Glomgold Wing of the Natural History Museum?" Huey asked.

(Because Donald kicked us out.)

Scrooge hadn't left his study all day whether it was due to Della or Magica, I was too scared to ask. Donald literally kicked him out though because he thought he was still ignoring me. Neither of us had explained to Donald why we were acting strange and he had taken matters into his own hands.

"Ugh, yeah! And look at this tacky setup! Somebody is trying way too hard." Then Dewey switched to a fancy tone and leaned over to a server. "I'll have a Virgin Peach Julep in your fanciest glass, thank you!"

"You're one to talk," I scoffed.

"All these trinkets are just from times Glomgold lost to you! A pebble from the lost city of El Dorado, a signed kilt from that fire pit in Crockatoa," Louie pointed out.

"And this, 'Glomasaurus-Rex' is clearly just a bunch of random parts stuck together, honestly, how could you know it wore a crown?" Huey scratched his head.

"So, what are we doing here anyway?" Dewey asked his uncle.

"As upstanding citizens of note, it's our responsibility to support Duckberg's cultural institutions." Scrooge walked over to the buffet table. There was an edge of annoyance in his voice. "And, these cocktail weenies are on Glomgold's dollar."

He started putting h'ordeuvres in bags and pouring gravy into his suit.

"Aren't you rich? Why do you need free food?" Louie pointed out.

I wanted to laugh but I figured it would be best if I stayed quiet. I was only invited because the boys dragged me into the limo. I think I was forgiven but Scrooge hadn't spoken to me all night and better safe than sorry.

"I didn't get rich by wasting money, I got rich by besting my enemies! Stock up lads!"

"Ugh, these custom suits are the worst! I'm gettin' a rash!" I was glad Scrooge hadn't got me a custom plastic lined dress. I was wearing my gold one from the house cards. It fell to the floor and looked like it was made of glitter.

"Nyuh, nope. That's the plastic lining! Saves on dry cleaning, and you lose less dip," Scrooge pointed out.

"It's not the cut of the suit, it's how you wear it! Take my playfully loose bow tie! Is he coming? Is he going?? Did he party so hard it just flew open???" Louie rolled his eyes at Blue's antics.

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