Vacation Revelations!

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"Why are you packing so much?" Webbie asked as she poked at a pile of pool floats, food, and sunscreen that sat at the base of the plane.

"Yeah this is supposed to be a chill trip." Louie added, kicking a beach ball that flew in the plane and made a loud noise like it broke something.

"If it wasn't for Huey and me y'all would be dead from lack of resources!" I screamed, shooing them away. I rolled my eyes and loaded the plane with the stuff. "When did I become the responsible one?"

"Need help?" Huey offered walking up with a backpack full of his stuff.

"Sure. Actually I need to make lunch too. You mind." He hummed and carried on taking the stuff I got on the plane.

Scrooge was taking us cave swimming for a vacation so Huey and I took it upon ourselves to pack. I walked into the kitchen and made everyone's favorite lunch and packed it. I walked out to the plane and everyone was in their bathing suits ready to go. Dewey had a towel thrown over his shoulder and Louie was spinning goggles in his fingers.

"We ready?" Scrooge asked everyone. We looked at each other and nodded. He walked up to Launchpad.

"Oh, I forgot a towel." "Do I need to get googles?" "How else are you going to see the treasure at the bottom of the cave? On second thought don't get them." "Wait, Uncle Scrooge!" Blue and Green alternated questions.

"I've got it." I flung them what they needed. I basically brought four pairs of everything so kids wouldn't fight over any of it.

"Thanks!" Dewey said.

"Thank you, ____!" Louie said.

"Don't ever complain about me 'over packing' again." I used finger quotes. He laughed. I looked at him seriously.

"Okay!" Louie sighed in defeat.

"Where's your bathing suit?"  Webby asked. I smiled and looked down at my sundress.

"I've got it on." I smiled and put the lunch away.

Launchpad took off and only took an hour to reach the spot. Webby, the boys, and I jumped in immediately then thanked me for bringing the floats.

(See not pointless packing.)

Scrooge was under the skylight sunbathing and Launchpad passed out into a nice nap.

I floated into the deeper side to relax a bit. I watched the kids splashing around for a bit. Eventually I caught myself staring at Scrooge. He seemed so at peace. I could hear the boys and Webby still splashing around behind me.

(A family this pure deserves better than everything that has happened to them.)

That's what I tried to do everyday. Make at least one of them a little happier. Right now it seemed like that was Scrooge. He was able to actually relax on this vacation.

"What are you smiling at, lassie?" He smirked, not opening his eyes. My jaw dropped.

"Not-nothing, Mr. McDuck. Just thinking," I stuttered.

"Oh. What are you thinking about?" He opened an eye and looked at me.

"Nothing important." I made myself sink into the water and jetted towards the boys. I jumped into the air. "Watch out! Cave monster!"

I landed on Louie and pulled him under. I felt Red and Blue tackle us under the water. We played for a long while. Every now and then I would feel Scrooge's eyes on me but when I looked back he appeared to be asleep.

"Webby, let's go sun bath!" I pulled her to a shallow part of the cave under the skylight. We laid in the light. It felt good to relax and I closed my eyes.

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