The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!

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"Mount Neverrest! Most tallest peak in the world. Most prized of the seven summits. Neverrest has claimed some of the most finest explorers. It is said to be completely unclimbable, but now that smug stack of stalagmites has to deal with Scrooge McDuck." He pointed to himself.

"So instead of spending Christmas in a billionaire's home waiting on Santa Clause," Louie was interrupted by his uncle.

"That man is not allowed in my home. He knows what he did." Scrooge stomped off and Louie continued.

"We are following an old man up Mount Certain-Doom, here?" Louie pointed to the mountain out the plane window.

"Oh, Mount Neverrest is three times deadlier than Mount Certain-Doom. The mountain's summit remains shrouded in mystery, which makes it the perfect place to earn my Junior Wood-Chuck Cartography badge." Huey corrected, reading the JWG. I snatched up the book.

"That's cool, Huey," I said and Louie made a jealous face; Huey didn't notice.

"I know right? Do you know how hard it is to find a topographical landscape that hasn't already been mapped?" He beamed at me.

His smile made me melt. I was getting him this badge. I flipped through the book while Huey started listing things he brought to help him. Scrooge stopped him.

"Yeah, you don't need all that fancy do-hickory. All you need is your wits, determination, and these. My old serving tools." Huey was impressed at the old rusty tools.

"Wow. They're rusty with experience." Louie rolled his eyes at Huey's admiration.

"Nerds," Louie and I breathed. We looked at each other and fist-bumped.

"That's the spirit. I'm going to be the first person to set foot on the top Neverrest." Scrooge wasn't paying us any attention.

"And I'm going to be the first person to draw a picture of it." Huey squealed.

(Their Christmas wish is my command.)

I smiled to myself as Launchpad opened the plane door. We walked up the hill to the village that Scrooge didn't know was there. He monologued along the way.

"Take it in, kids. Her deadly peaks. Her bottomless crevasses. Her flawless sheets of brilliant white snow betray no hint of the ancient secrets that hide beneath. Completely unclawed by man. Behold the untamed majesty of Mount Neverest." His jaw dropped.

"Oh, churros!" Webby pulled me down the hill.

I looked back. Scrooge looked very hurt, whether, by Webby and my deserting him or the mountain's guest, I didn't know. However, it was probably both. Webby bought us a churro and we made our way around the shop's window shopping. I had to stop her from buying several coats and hats she didn't need. Then I spotted Launchpad talking to a phony salesman.

"Hey, Webs. I got to go do something. See you later." I took off and spotted Green and Red talking. I grabbed Louie as I walked by.

"Hey! I was looking at those!" He started to complain. However, my pace didn't slow until we were in the back of an alley with a few small vendors.

"That guy," I pointed from our place behind another vendor, "is conning Launchpad."

That was all it took. Lou saw red. He marched over to the guy. I couldn't hear what Louie said but they walked away with a lot of equipment and a stack of money.

(Good going, Green.)

I walked back over to Huey. Louie was busy now anyways.

"Sorry about that. I needed your brother's assistance. Anyways, what were you talking about?"

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