Terror of Humanity!

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I shot up and Webby screamed. She was inches away from me and looked like she had been about to wake me.

"Are you okay?" She looked concerned.

"Yeah, never better." I gave her a toothy grin. She didn't seem convinced but continued.

"Okay. It's time for breakfast." She half-shoved half-pulled me down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and the food smelled amazing. The boys and Scrooge were already down here. I bite my lip to keep from screaming.

(Don't fangirl. Don't fangirl. Don't fangirl. Don't fangirl.)

The only reason I hadn't last night was because I thought it was a dream. Now, I had decided that it wasn't a dream. I was in a coma or according to Magica another dimension.

"Morning guys," Huey said as he made a plate.

Scrooge looked up from his newspaper. His jaw dropped when he looked at me. A flash of pink entered his eyes and his jaw snapped shut.

"What's ya name, lass?" He jumped down from his seat and ran over to me. He looked me up and down.

"My name's ____, Mr. McDuck. Webby invited me over. I hope that's okay," I said nervously. I didn't know why he was acting so strange. He turned to Webby.

"How did you meet a human, lass?" He turned back to me and marveled. I took a step back.

"What's a human?" Webby asked, turning to me, taking me in again. The boys explain a little to their uncle.

"We met her last night. She appeared out of nowhere on the beach." - D "Yeah, she scared off these dumb birds that were chasing me." - L "We didn't know what she was or that she could talk. I thought she might be a wild animal." - H

Louie hit Huey and added, "Be nice."

"You see humans are only myths. Well, we're only myths. You must tell me everything about where you come from," Scrooge basically was jumping up and down as he spoke.

(Shouldn't it be me fangirling over him?)

I laughed in my head.

"There's nothing to tell. For the most part we're just like you. Honest," I rubbed the back of my head.

"Well, where do you live?" Scrooge inquired. I thought about my dream and my life in the other dimension.

"I," I glanced at the floor, "don't have a home."

Another flash of pink light filled the room. Huey dropped his plate. Dewey stopped eating. Louie wiped away tears, and I only half thought they thought they where fake. Webby jumped me and gave me a hug.

(Okay, what was that?)

I looked at Scrooge. He looked like someone killed his puppy. He shook his head and pink light faded from his eyes.

"Well you can stay here, if you let me pick your brain about your kind?" he offered his hand. I smiled as I took it.

"Sounds like a deal." I shook on it. His feathers against my skin were different. Not a bad feeling, just strange and soft. He noticed it too. He pulled my hand closer to his face, causing me to stumble forward.

"Watch out, lassie." He caught me with an arm around my waist but he was still looking at my hand. He ran his fingers over my skin. I looked around and the kids were staring at us. I blushed and looked away but Scrooge noticed. "Are you okay lassie. Your whole face turned red."

"I'm not used to this much attention," I covered my face with my free hand. He nodded and let go of my hand.

"You eat eggs, no?" he offered his plate of untouched food. I nodded and ate, trying to ignore everyone's eyes.

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