Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks!

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I couldn't sleep that night. I didn't want more Magica nightmares. That and well what was Scrooge going to think of me differently now. I checked the clock. It was four am. Ugh. I rolled out of bed to get some coffee. I made my way down the stairs when I turned and ran smack into Scrooge. I knocked him down.

"I'm so sorry." I helped him up.

"Now what was that for?" He chuckled, dusting himself off. I yawned. "What are you doing up?"

"Sorry, couldn't sleep. I was going to make some coffee."

"Coffee? You'll never sleep. Come with me."

I followed him to the kitchen. I didn't know if I should be nervous being alone with him. Was he going to make me explain what I was doing here, in this dimension? I hope not. I didn't want to. Besides, I wasn't going to tell him about Magica. I can handle her.

"So why can't you sleep?" He handed me a cup of steaming liquid.

It didn't smell like coffee. I took a slow sip. It was a... hot chocolate? He can't be that mad, can he? Hot cocoa was a good sign, right, or was he trying to lull me into a false sense of security. I took a deep breath. I was totally over thinking this.

"I am afraid that you won't like me anymore now that you know I'm from a different world." I waited for his response, tapping my fingers on the brim of the cup, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh, that doesn't change a thing. You should know that. We're from different worlds. Do you like me any less?" He brushed it off. I looked at him and smiled then frowned.

"Yeah but I lied about it." He placed a hand on mine, comfortingly.

"You were scared and that's alright. You're stuck out of our own world." He's really not going to get mad? Or is he under Magica influence not to get mad? He looked at me for a moment with concern. "Is there anything else that you want to tell me?"

I thought about it for a minute and decided to come clean as much as possible. I looked down at the mug.

"Your family is famous in my world. You have a TV show called Ducktales." I smiled and giggled. "When I first got here I honestly thought it was a dream or I bumped my head. That's why it seems like I know the future sometimes and little things like the Mount Neverrest passage. I just know what to do to find it."

He blinked. Okay maybe I went too far.

"So there are people in your world that can see into other worlds? That's genius! What else do you know?" He was really close and really excited. I thought about it.

"All kinds of things. Mark Beaks has a top Secret project, Ta-Da, turns out to be a scam. Gomgold loses his memories in a few weeks. There's a rich kid in town that the boys won't like. Random things like that." I yawned.

"Interesting. I would love to continue this conversation but you look ready for bed, lov-lassie." I smiled up at him and started to walk out of the kitchen but his voice stopped me. "I will be talking to you more about this but if you don't want me to I won't tell the boys, yet."

I smiled in gratitude. Then I made my way back upstairs and fell into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up at noon-ish. One of the benefits of going to sleep at five am. Another was that Webby was off somewhere with Mrs. Beakley. Dewey and Huey went to the Billionaires Club to watch their Uncle have a staring contest. I was home alone with Louie which started to look like a bad idea. The boy had a huge crush on me and isn't subtle about it.

I was sitting on the couch and Green walked in.

"Mind if I sit here?" He sat on my lap.

"Get off of me, Lou." I pushed him to the floor.

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