The House of the Lucky Human!

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"The Temple of the Golden Cricket. Every fifty years at sundown the golden cricket," I drowned Scrooge out, knowing that the cricket thing was going to be a bust.

We were sitting on the plane and Louie made me make a social media account. He was surprised that I knew how to work a phone and the website but didn't have one. He ended up letting me play on it, which I felt was out of character for him. Actually, recently everyone was acting strange. I wasn't sure if it was Magica doing it or my own imagination. Everything seemed to go my way.

"Wait, is that a neon hot dog?!" Louie yelled in my ear snapping me back to reality, well this reality. The other three ran over and knocked me off the couch.

"WOW!" - H "So cool." - L "I'm hungry." - D

I stood and walked over to Scrooge, who was upset that a hot dog stole his thunder.

"Yes, yes! The city of McCaw is very exciting to look at but you'll only find distractions," he grumbled.

"They're not that hard to impress, are they?" I mumbled and stuffed Louie's phone in my pocket. Scrooge shot me a dirty look.

"I can't believe Uncle Gladstone is here," Louie said, proving my point to their great-uncle.

"Yeah, he's so charming." "And funny," Red and Blue added. That upset Donald.

"Yeah, he's like the luckiest guy in the world. Uncle Donald, you must have had the best time growing up with him." I could see Donald's hate growing with every word Louie said.

"He's the worst. Just the worst," Donald complained.

"Gladstone Gander is a complete layabout. I don't know why we are responding to his call," Scrooge started on a rant.

"It was a call for help," Webby and I said together.

"You can't just leave him hanging," I added.

"Yeah and like Uncle Donald says family always helps family," Huey said. Donald crossed his arms.

"Why did I say," Donald groaned.

"Plus he's easily our coolest uncle." Donald said 'hey' so Louie corrected himself. "Sorry non-trillionaire uncle."

That offended me. I had always liked Donald. Sure he was a little dingy and hot-headed but he was definitely cool.

"Hey, that's not fair. Donald is a hundred percent cool!" I ran over and threw an arm over his shoulders and sat on the armrest of his seat.

(Is he blushing?) The plane jerked down.

"We're all going to die!" Donald started frantically putting his seat belt on. He knocked me into his lap in his haste. It was my turn to blush. He realized what he did and apologized after turning red. "Sorry."

"You're fine," I said, only slightly embarrassed. I stood up as quickly as possible. Scrooge glared and cleared his throat to clear the awkward silence.

"We leave for the temple in an hour. Launchpad I won't wait another fifty years to hear that cricket sing." I sighed and followed Scrooge's family to the real adventure of this trip.

"Why did I wear green? He always sees me in green!" Louie panicked in the elevator.

"Take it easy." I could basically hear Donald roll his eyes when he spoke. I hugged Lou from behind.

"Listen to your uncle. It'll be fine." He calmed down a little. Scrooge started complaining again.

"Yeah, if Gladstone's so great then why did he call us for," the doors opened.

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