The Missing Links of Mark Beaks!

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Scrooge shook me as the plane landed.

"Can you take Webbigail to bed?" I nodded.

I placed her in her bed and folded the dress at the end of the bed after I changed into pajamas. I went to my room and couldn't sleep. I stared at the ceiling until my phone began to buzz vigorously. I turned off the alarm and went downstairs to make breakfast and coffee, lots of coffee. I took Scrooge breakfast to his study.

"Thank you, lassie." He looked like he wanted to ask me a question and I hadn't decided if I wanted to tell him about Della.

However I decided I wouldn't lie to him. I stood on the opposite side of the desk and fidgeted. Ding* The annoying noise made him glance down at my pocket and forget what he was going to say.

"Who's texting you this early in the morning?"  He tilted his head.

(Saved by the annoying bell.)

I didn't bother checking it.

"Probably Louie trying to sweet talk me into bringing him breakfast in bed."

"Well if he has any good lines that work let me know." He said chuckling but winked. I felt myself blush.

"Nah, your natural charm is hundred percent more effective. " His turn to blush but I didn't give him a chance to respond. I rushed to the door and shut it with another Ding* of the phone.


—> Good Morning!


—> What are we doing today?
—> Answer me!
—> Please
—> Pleeeeease

—> You sound like a little kid 😅

I could basically hear his voice through the phone.

—> You said you would get me out of the office more!
—> Don't blow me off two days in a row.
—> p
—> l
—> e


I wasn't going to watch him spell out please letter by letter. Also I wouldn't have to see Scrooge anymore today.

—> OKAY!
—> just chill with the crazy amount of texts
—> And lunch is on you.

—> YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

—> Waddle 10:30am sharp!


I sighed and ran to my room to change. I put on some ripped skinny jeans and a nice flower pattern shirt. Then I went down stairs and served the kids breakfast. The kids didn't think I was dressed up or at least they didn't ask me why I was wearing this, so I think I did a good job on downplaying my look.

"Mrs. B. I am going out, do you need anything before or while I am out?" I asked while handing her a plate.

"No, no. If you do any more I'll be out of a job," she laughed.

"Wouldn't want that, Mrs. B." I started washing the dishes from breakfast. I grabbed a flannel that I had hanging up on a jacket rack.

"Where are you going?" Dewey asked wide eyed, how he had come into the kitchen looking for juice.

"Just running some errands." I smiled and headed for the door.

"Can we come?" Webby asked, popping out of nowhere by my feet. My phone buzzed; I had put it on silent.

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