The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck!

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Of course, Scrooge had to pick now of all times to go on an adventure. We were four days out from the eclipse and we were loading up the plane to head to Scotland. It didn't help that he wouldn't tell us anything else. He simply took Donald's car while he was asleep and we left early in the morning.

"Are we visiting your parents?" I asked, trying to make the airplane seat comfortable. He was too upset by thought to be surprised.

"Unfortunately." He sunk farther into his seat.

"I'm sure it will be fine." He looked me over before huffing.

"You don't know my parents." Then he marched off to see Launchpad.

I ignored the attitude and found a hiding spot in the car and managed to fall asleep until LP pulled the car out of the cargo plane. The boys pushed each other to get in first and found I was already inside.

We found ourselves on dark roads that kept getting creepy and creepy by the minute. The fog seemed to grow thicker with each turn we made. No one had really spoken the whole ride which was on the verge of three hours now. Suddenly, Scrooge broke the silence.

"Remember lads, no sudden movements, no eye contact, and if you're cornered the heartless heathens will give you no quarter." It was weird to hear him talk about his parents like that.

(Parents are supposed to be loving right?)

"This does not sound like a fun trip," Louie muttered.

"Misty moors, vague warnings, sneaking out behind Uncle Donald's back. Can you please just tell us where we're going?" Huey pleaded.

Honestly, I didn't know if we left Donald for the plot's reason or the fact he had become very interested in every move that Scrooge made recently. We still hadn't told him about the other night. I felt bad but Scrooge didn't know everything. I wasn't going to tell his ill tempered nephew that I know where his missing sister was and I couldn't tell him. I was just glad Scrooge hadn't brought up the subject to him either.

"The less you know the better," Scrooge narrowed his eyes out the window shield.

(Oh, now it's the less you know.)

I crossed my arms angrily. Huey and Louie made eye contact with me, before slumping back in their seats.

"Chin up, guys. I'm sure it won't be that bad," I was speaking to Scrooge but looking at the boys. All three sulked harder.

I could see the Sphere of Selena's glow that Dewey had been looking at since we left. Him and Webby were whispering about telling the others about it. I was glad he was hearing that from someone other than me for a change. However, this left me with my thoughts of worry about the future.

With LP's driving, I should have been expecting a sudden stop but I wasn't ready for it. I was thrown in between Lanchpad and Scrooge.

"Found it," Launchpad said.

"Ow," I rubbed my head and removed myself from the front of the car.

"Launchpad, hide the jeep in the moors," Scrooge ordered as we got out. LP started working it on so Scrooge explained, "Every five years the mists of Dismal Downs part enough to reveal the home of the lost treasure of the Knights Templar. Brace yourselves, kids. Primordial menace lurks here, the most treacherous terror I've ever faced."

"Oi! Jettison that jalopy for my driveway this instant, you dead beat!" I giggled and remembered that's what he told Donald the first time he had seen the car.

"Daddy. Mummy." The triplets and Webby look shocked. I just smirked.

"Scroogey!" His mother ran down the steps to hug him. Downy I think is her name. Scrooge dodged her kiss and when she saw the boys she threw him to the ground.

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