Day of the Only Child!

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Scrooge had gone to White Agony Plains with Goldie after the boys went to sleep last night. I don't think I was supposed to know that but I had been walking to the kitchen when he called Launchpad to prepare the plane. I spent the rest of the night sulking in my room. He was supposed to be getting ready for Magica not, what had Gladstone said?

'Dancing the night away with that old flame of his.'

"AHHHHH!" I screamed into my pillow.

We still had no idea how to beat Magica and the solar eclipse was five days away. Five days away from her being at full power. I laid face down in the bed until I got the usually good morning text from Beaks. Technically it was a good night because he was out of the country right now.

The only reason I drug myself out of my pillows was to get my mind off everything. Magica. Scrooge. Goldie. Beaks was good for that. He helped me forget the rest of the world and all I had to do was respond every now and he did the rest. He was texting me his usual run down of daily activities and he was bashing someone who just surpassed the amount of likes he had. He also wanted to hang out again because that boosted his numbers last time. I told him I would see him soon. When he finally stopped texting me when he passed out and accidentally uploaded a half finished post. The photo of him was nice enough. He was in a comfy looking hotel room with a comfy bed that he had been bragging about how soft it was. The only reason I thought the post wasn't quite finish was because the caption read:

Presidential suite at The Grand Floskccbggskbcn...----ccbgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

That made me laugh. Beaks wasn't like the rest of the Duck's enemies. He was just a spoiled brat. Like if Dewey and Louie were one person. I shutter at the thought. I was brought back to the present when I heard Webby.

"You guys!" I could hear her from my room.

"Scrooge just got a new security bot, and it can melt through solid steel, and it is adorable! Wait, where are Huey and Louie?"

I couldn't hear Dewey but I know his response. He was an only child and that was going to set Webby off.

"Don't be ridicu," She gasped. "Oh, no. We must be in some sort of dystopian alternate dimension."

I flew off my bed towards the boys' room.

"Calm down, everything's fine." Dewey tried to convince her.

"Exactly what an evil Dewey-doppelganger would say!" I got to the room as she tackled Dewey and began to fight him. "Give it up, Dew-pelganger! Where. is. Dewey?"

I sighed and reached for her, dodging a fist. I pulled Dewey out of headlock and grabbed Webby. She was still struggling in my arms. The other two boys were at the doorway. Dewey ran behind them.

"Webby, stop! This is Dewey!" Huey said annoyed.

"He's just doing a Dewey thing."

Louie clearly was not amused.

"Oh." She stopped fighting me. I put her back on the ground.

"Thank you, good Samaritans. You restored my faith in the kindness of random strangers." Dewey said, dusting himself off.

"I would hate to actually get sucked into a parallel universe where boys were evil or something. I don't think I would've been able to stop you." I rubbed my arm where she had punched me. "Have you never heard of playing coy? Biding your time?"

"Coy?" Louie asked.

"Dumb," Huey said. Louie made an 'oh' face. Huey turned to Dewey. "Not even one hour in, and your stupid 'Only Child Day' has already almost gotten one of us killed."
"'Only' -what-now?" Webby wasn't keeping up.
"It's a beautiful holiday." Dewey said dreamily.
"That he made up." Huey was not happy.
"Where, for a whole day, we get to be sibling-free and do all the amazing things that an only child gets to do! Make our marks on the world!" Dewey spun Webby around in a circle.
"Not have to answer to anyone!" Louie said happily.

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