The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck!

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Unicorn death, Implied blood

Webby was the only one happy about being woken up. The boys turned down breakfast in exchange for their beds. I didn't blame them; it was too early even for me so I chose something simple, strawberry muffins.

All I had to do was mix in milk and let them sit in the oven, but my nervous energy had me bouncing around the kitchen. I channeled it into cutting up strawberries and oranges.

I was glad Webby was keeping me company, even if it was by continuing to read the Clan McDuck book. It kept my mind off impending doom. The constant chatter and the rhythmic sound of the blade was almost peaceful.

I jumped at the sudden slapping of feet on the ground, nearly cutting off a finger. Donald had walked in and it took a minute for me to process he had spoken.

"There you are. Where have you guys been?"

"Sorry, Donald. But trust me, you're probably glad you didn't come." He glanced at the book Webby was reading.

"You went there? I'm definitely glad I got left behind." He took a seat beside Webby. "I finished fixing the house boat. Should be back on the water by tomorrow."

"Congrats, Donald!"

The timer rang for the muffins and I put on the oven mitts. LaunchPad walked in as I pulled them out of the oven.

"Those sure do smell good." He all but licked the pan. I could tell he was asking for one.

"Go ahead LP. I made plenty. Careful though, they're hot," I said, pulling out some plates.

"Thanks, ______!" He picked one up and started throwing from one hand to another like a hot potato.

"Here." I handed him a plate.

"Thanks." He looked a little embarrassed.

Webby hadn't stopped reading despite Donald's and Launchpad's entrance.

"Alright Webby." I handed her a plate and pushed the book away, much to her dismay. "Eat. I am going to find your grandmother and bring Scrooge some breakfast."

I walked out of the kitchen with a plate that held a muffin and a bowl of fruit.

"There's food in the kitchen, Mrs. B." I told her as I passed her vacuuming the hall.

"Thank you, dear. How was the trip?"

"It was interesting," I said, nodding.

"I'm just glad you're back. I've missed you and your cooking." She turned off the vacuum.

"We weren't gone that long," I laughed.

"Yes, but you seem distant recently. You seem like you're back to your normal self now." I blinked.

(She had noticed? I wonder who else noticed.)

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you on the spot," she apologized.

"No, you're fine. I just didn't know anyone had noticed." I gave a weak laugh. She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"We are family, of course we noticed," she said, seriously. Then her tone lightened. "Now, what was this about breakfast?"

"Muffins and fruit." I showed her Scrooge's plate, and she walked back towards the kitchen. I continued down the hall.

(What is with these people and family? I never had one, and it's all these people can talk about.)

I sighed.

(I guess that's why I don't see the importance.)

I knocked on the door of the study. A grumbling came from the other side. I took it for a 'come in'. I walked in and I didn't see anyone.

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