The Living Mummy of Toth-Ra!

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I was grateful that it was morning. I went downstairs and made breakfast for myself.

"If you're going to do it, might as well make everyone's." I jumped at the sound of Mrs. B's voice.

"Oh. I don't mind. Though do you think they'll like this?" I hummed in response. I made her a plate and handed it to her.

"Oh, honey, I was joking." She refused the plate. I sat the plate in front of her and turned back to the stove.

"Too late," I laughed. "You eat that. Don't want it to go to waste."

"If only the rest of them were half as good as you." I frowned as I cooked. She didn't know how wrong she had it.

"No. The boys are charmingly rowdy and Webby's a princess," I chuckled. I did not want to think about Magica this early in the morning.

"Well, none of them have cooked me breakfast," she pointed out. I hummed, not really answering her. "You clearly think differently, tell me."

"Scrooge took me in, off the street, beach. The kids are my friends. Donald's the only adult-like one when you're gone, I just cook." She laughed.

"And clean, and entertain them, and make sure they come back alive. You do a lot more than you think." I smiled lightly.

"Thank you, I needed that more than you know." Before she could continue our conversation the kids bum rushed us. They all spoke at once.

"What smells so good?" - D "Wow, you're cooking again?" - H "Chocolate chip muffins?" - L "Yay!" - W

They ran to the stove. I blocked their path.

"No. Sit. I'll bring you your food." They ran to their spots. "Louie, sunglasses?"

"You noticed? Thanks. I thought they added a little," Louie thought for a word.

"Je ne sais quoi?" Huey offered. Louie looked disgusted by the sound.

"I don't know what that means." Huey rolled his eyes. Then Louie offered,  "Coolness factor."

I laughed at them.

Mrs. B made Scrooge's plate and took it to him.

About half way through washing dishes he busted into the kitchen.

"I've found something!"

"Found what?"

"No time! Come on!" He grabbed my arm and before I knew it we were in a pyramid in Egypt drowning in quicksand having to crawl our way out.

"And that's why you don't scream while sinking in quicksand," Webby explained.

"Webby, please don't tell me how to die," Louie threatened her. We were all coughing up sand as we made it to the edge.

"That's also why you don't wear sunglasses in dark pyramids." I snatched the eyewear off the kid.

"Hey, give those back," he pouted.

"Not until we're back outside in sunlight." I stuffed the glass in my backpack.

"Guys, stop fighting. I've read all about the ancient pyramids. I'll show you the ins and outs," Webby assured him.

"Would love to focus on the outs," Lou said, still dusting off.

"I was right! The tomb of Toth-Ra, Bringer of the Sun." Scrooge laughed as he marched forward. "I've been searching for decades and - Launchpad! "

"Did you want a bite?" Launchpad offered a bite of the burrito he brought with him.

"This is the last of the lost pyramids. Show some respect." Scrooge marched off and Launchpad opened another burrito.

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