The Spear of Selene!

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The phone finally stopped buzzing around one. I was fairly sure that Beaks had liked every single photo of me, tagged or otherwise. I drifted off into a dreamless sleep for a good three hours before a knock and a voice woke me up.

"Get up! We are going on an adventure." I threw a pillow at the annoyed voice that turned out to be Donald. "Ow!"

"Sorry." I jumped at the sound of his cry of pain.

"You're good. I'm not happy about it either but Uncle Scrooge said to be down stairs in ten minutes." I nodded and packed an overnight bag and ran to the kitchen to get a to-go coffee.

I met them on the plane and most of the coffee was gone. However, I still wanted to pass out. The coffee was not helping. The whole BUDDY thing had been weird and I needed a break but Scrooge and Donald had other plans. I learned that when Scrooge got home last night he had the plane loaded and picked the next destination for us.

It was going to be a trip to the jungle Scrooge explained but I had already started to doze off. The plane shook and I was fully awake. I checked my phone and had a hundred missed notifications from Beaks, of course. I smiled but it drifted away as I read them. He basically thought I was going to be going on a date with him today and wondered what time and what to wear. Not him of course he already had his outfit picked out and was telling me what to wear or giving me three options. I texted him that a last minute trip to the juggle had popped up and never got to read the reply because the plane shuttered again and ran to the cockpit.

"What about that flashing red light?" Webby asked.

"Huh? That's just probably the 'everything is fine' light." LP shrugged.

"Okay, but hypothetically, what if it's not the 'everything is not fine' light?" Dewey asked. LP gasped and the Sun-chaser dropped. We started a downward spiral. I hit my head on something, giving me an instant headache.

"According to the JWG, we're off the tip of Greece, and-wait. This can't be right. I thought it was a myth." Huey started and it sounded familiar but the pain was making it hard to think.

"Ithaquack." Scrooge was horrified. The kids seem to think it was pretty. I stood up and walked towards the window. It was beautiful, green fields and sparkling waters.

"No, no, no, no. We gotta go now!" Donald stomped his foot.

"Get this plane in the air!" Scrooge yelled at LP.

"Sorry, Mr. McD. I gotta figure out what this flashing light means." Launchpad called down. "Like I always say, better safe, then whatever the opposite of safe is. Yeah. I do say that."

"When have you ever said that?" Scrooge yelled back.

"Hmm. Might as well take a look around." Webby said, taking my hand and running to the back of the plane. One of the boys opened the back hatch and we walked off.

"No, get back here!" Doanld yelled. Webby let go of my hand and ran behind a rock with Dewey. I wander around for a minute waiting for the dull thumbing to go away from my head. When it did I remember what episode we were in.

"What are you talking about?" I jumped over the rock where Webby and Dewey were hiding.

"Ahhhh!" "Don't scare us!" Dewey fell down. Webby punched my arm. I laughed loudly and Dewey covered my mouth.

"I'll tell you if you keep it quiet." I nodded and he removed his hands. "Our mom went missing right before we were born. Me and Webby have been trying to find her. We think this place has something to do with it. Can you distract Uncle Donald and Uncle Scrooge while me and Webby look into this?"

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