Chapter two: Beacon

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Black trudged along in the middle of the group of children whose rapid prodding ceased but their questions did not.

" Was that transformation and that awesome laser your semblance?" Ruby asked with literal stars for eyes.

Black looked at her quizzically. "What's a semblance?"

Ruby stopped dead in her tracks causing Black to run into her back.

"You don't know what semblances are but you have one?" Ruby question Black again.

"I have a feeling I'm going to be explaining that soon so just wait patiently little one." Black said with a chuckle while patting her on the head. She out of all of the children felt completely pure with no trace of malice or evil. Black was very intrigued by that.

Ruby mutter something along the lines of "I'm not little." While she continued walking as Black followed behind.

After another few minutes of walking the made it to the cliff they were vaulted or more accurately launched from at the beginning of the initiation.

"Aw man how are we gonna get back up there?" Jaune questioned.

Black suddenly smiled darkly.

"Who wants to be a volunteer?" He asked.

Eight screaming throws later they were all walking towards a large building.

Black was impresses by it's size and beauty. 'Human structures aren't so ugly in this world.'

The continued walking till they were inside the building several other students most of which had that same pure feeling some how ever felt a little darker and Black, well Black simply thought 'Not everything can be perfect.' Recalling his memory of being turned into a monstrosity during his fused fight with Goku and Vegeta.

They continued till the found a row of empty seats as several students had already sat down.

Ruby, Yang, Blake, and Weiss were separated from Pyrrah, Jaune, Nora, and Ren by Black sitting between them.

Soon Ozpin walked on stage and began picking the teams.

Black sat and watched all the children go up and get assigned teams. Ruby and Jaune's appointment as team leader however came as quite a shock. Especially when it came to Jaune.

"Now I'm sure some of you are aware of a non-student newcomer in your midst. Some of you have already gotten to know him. I would like for this person to come up on stage." Ozpin announced.

Black thought little of it until he realized that both Teams he was sitting beside were staring at him.

'Crap basket.' Black thought as he got up and walked towards the stage.
He really didn't want to do this but if a school trained small children to wield massive scythes and miniguns it had to have an  infirmary or some sort of medical wing so he had to play along for now.

As soon as he got beside Ozpin facing the mass of students, videos of his walking into the ruins the previous day and his fights earlier in the day with those filthy creatures.

"This non-initiate fought off several grim ,including a nevermore, in rapid succession with little effort all while being what I can assume is severally injured." Ozpin announced.

Black really did enjoy the praise, he was a god and mortals were support to revere him, but he didn't like where he thought this was going.

"Due to his show of extreme strength and skill, I, along with the teaching staff of Beacon Academy, would like to offer this young man a place in our school."

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