Chapter 20: Mission Assignmemt

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Its been a few days since the Vytal Ball and Black, along with all of Team RWBY, minus Ruby who was updating Ozpin and Ironwood of the situation she found herself in at the ball, were in their dorm relaxing.

"Hey. You guys Wonder why our classes have stopped again?" Black asked the group of people around him while laying down on one of the unused beds.

"I heard it was about some kind of assemble and some big thing that was going on." Weiss told him from her bunk.

"Well it better be enjoyable, I've never been so bored." Black told her.

After a few minutes Ruby came in.

"So how'd it go?" Black  looked at Ruby without moving so his head was upside down.

"Well, Ozpin knows about the White Fang's guys base in the south east." Ruby told him.

Black twisted and sat up "The base where now?"

"The base in the south east? Oh right, we never told you did we?" Blake asked him.

"Oh come on, we could have been out there kicking white fang buts and you girls never told me? The disappointment." Black told them shaking his head.

"Sorry." Ruby offered.

"Hey Rubes, we got a package from dad." Yang told her before grabbing a cylindrical package from the desk I'm the room.

"OOOOHHHH ITS A GIFT!" Ruby shouted before shooting towards Yang and wrapping herself around the arm that was holding it.

"Well open it up, I need something to take some of the boredom away." Black told the sisters.

Yang opened up the package and a ball of black, white, and grey fell out.

Two ears on the sides of its head popped up and it unrolled into a tiny dog.

The two sisters screamed when they saw it.

"ZWEI!!!!" The dog hopped up on its tiny legs and barked.

"Is that a dog?!" Black asked.

"Did your father ship it through the mail?!" Weiss asked them.

"Yeah, dad sends stuff like this all the time." Yang told her while Ruby scooped up the dog and held him like a baby.

A note floated out of the package.

"Oh look a note." Yang said.

She grabbed it and then told Ruby what it said.

"Dad went on a mission and needs us to look after Zwei."

Black got up and looked at the dog.

It woofed at him.

"So, you mean to tell me that this little-" in the middle of her sentence the dog rolled and looked at her from Ruby's arms with his tongue hanging from his mouth.

This alone changed Weiss's entire sentence.
"- is going to live with us forever! Yes he is!"

"Don't let in near me or my things." Blake said.

Black looked up towards her voice to see her at the top of one of the bunks curled into a ball.

Zwei jumped down and ran up to the base of the bed and barked a couple of times at her.

Then the intercom came on.
"Will all first year students participating in the Vytal Tournament please report to the assembly hall."

"But, how are we gonna feed him?" Ruby asked her sister.

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