Chapter 21: Vegeta vs Baby! Primal power!

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Vegeta and Black landed near the start of the a cave mouth at the end of the ruined city.

"He was near here earlier. Be on alert, he may have done it on purpose." Black told Vegeta.

"Don't order me around, I know what I'm doing." Vegeta told him and walked towards the entrance of cave.

Black sighed and followed him.

The further they went into the cave the darker it got.

Vegeta raised one hand and covered it in his ki causing a blue light to shine for them to see.

They kept walking and looming around when Black noticed something on the wall.

"Hey Vegeta over here." Black called for Vegeta.

Vegeta turned and walked over to Black.

Then he saw it.

"What the hell is that?" Vegeta asked him.

The wall was covered in strange drawings.

"I don't know but its got to be important or at least informative." Black said before he grabbed his scroll and took a picture of it several times in several different parts of the wall.

"I think the woman called these hieroglyphs." Vegeta said.

"Your wife?" Black asked.

Vegeta nodded "She pulled me along with her, Bulla, and Trunks to a museum her company was endorsing. She explained these to me when we stopped to look at some."

"Can you read them?"

"Well it shouldn't be to hard, their pictures."

Vegeta raised his hand closer to some of the pictures.

"Looks like a story of the Grimm. This one looks like the things back at the city." He pointed to one of what looked like a Beowulf coming out of a red pool.

"You think its showing us how their made?"

"Well, it looks like it." Vegeta answered him.

His hand trailed along until he found a large picture of what looked like a figure with several Grimm around it.

"I don't think you'll like this one." Vegeta told him.

Black came and looked at it. "The Grimm.....have a leader?"

"It seems so....enough of this, we need to keep going, baby could be getting away." Vegeta told him.

"Right, Ozpin may have some insight on this later." Black started to walk off with Vegeta.

The kept going down the cave until they saw a light coming in from the top of the cave.

"What the hell?" Vegeta's hand stopped glowing blue and they walked over to the cave light.

"It looks like something crashed through it, you think Baby was training here?" Black asked Vegeta.

"Baby doesn't train, he just takes over bodies and grows stronger with each victim he takes." Vegeta told him.

"Then, do you think this could have happen from that fight, maybe someone was trying to fight him off?" Black asked.

"The only people on this planet or even in this dimension that can fight him is you and me. So who could possible have the strength to fight him off?" Vegeta asked him.

Suddenly a huge outlet of power from outside the mountain drew their attention.

It was Baby and someone else fighting each other.

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