Chapter Five: A Four on One

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The elevator containing Black and Ozpin made its way down silently.

Blacks mind was racing. 'This feeling if confusion is so strange. And this mortals revelation of four people with magic power over the seasons, a secret he wishes to share with me, him believing this body's origin. I wonder if Goku ever felt such confusion.' Black thought of this body's previous owner.

The elevator slowed to a halt before opening to a long hallway that was dimly lit.

"What is this place?" Black asked Ozpin.

"A Vault of sorts." Ozpin said walking forward.

Black followed close behind.

"Mr. Black your power seems to rival those very same maidens I told you about."

"The ones connected to the seasons?"

"Yes, the same ones. Their power is transferred to another young maiden when they die. Normally the one that is in their finally thoughts." Ozpin revealed to Black as they continued their walk down the long hallway.

"What of it? Why is it important?" Black asked Ozpin.

"Because one of the maidens was attacked. And part of her power as a maiden was stolen for the first time in history." Ozpin continued.

"Part of her power? What of the rest?" Black continued with his questions.

"They stayed with her, but her condition is.....well you'll see."

They continued on the way for a short time before they reached a set of medical like chambers connected by tubes that ran up to the wall.

One chamber held a girl with a very large scar on her face.

"Is that-"

"The current fall maiden, Amber." Ozpin answer Blacks unfinished question.

Black stared at her. Her power was faint in the natural sense, but in the spiritual sense it outclassed most of the people he encountered so far. In his earlier weakened state as a super saiyan would have been equal to hers in her current state which was very impressive since it was split in half. If  Black could have accessed super saiyan two in his injured state he may have been slightly stronger than her at her full power.

Although now in his nearly healed state his base form would have outclasses her full power by several leagues.

"Her condition is stable thanks to Atlas technology, but I have no idea what would happen to her power when she passes." Ozpin told Black.

"Her power most likely seek its other half. The one who attacked her." Black reasonable guessed.

"A likely scenario, and most likely, the worst one. But there is one other." Ozpin told Black who was now giving Ozpin his undivided attention.

"I believe I have found a candidate to receive Ambers power, she isn't ready yet but I believe she will be soon. You've all ready met her."

"Who?" Black asked. It must have been one of the six girls he's met.... wait no seven including.....

"Is it the girl with the bunny ears, Velvet?" Black asked concerned for her as she was bullied once before if she were to be in line to receive such power she would have an even larger target on her back.

Ozpin chuckled. "No not her. Miss Pyrrha Nikos. She isn't ready as I've said but she will be soon with training and lessons from our teachers."

Black understood his choice in Pyrrha. She was far stronger than any of the others, more skilled and much more disciplined.

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