Some more stuff you should know

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OK so that last chapter took a while to come out and I apologize for that. With school starting back its thrown my "story time" out of whack and the chapters are gonna be a bit slower. I also apologize if the last chapter seems a little forced. I kinda wanted to just enter two facts that seemed important. One: Black is like ridiculously stronger, faster, and much more martial arts savy than any fighters in RWBY, Two: The training of Team RWBY and JNPR is similar to Master Roshis in Dragon Ball and is going to make them physically stronger and make the teams hand to hand combat better.

Again I apologize for the possible crappyness and lateness of the last chapter.

Good news though I will be giving Black a team. And trust me, your going to enjoy it.

The first member will be introduced next chapter. After that the second will come along in volume two when their in mountain Glenn. And the last is coming in right after him.

Just one question for you guys though, would you like for one of Blacks team members to either be Broly (super variation), Trunks from Blacks time line, or And alternate Future Gohan that fought against Black who was in Trunks body instead of Gokus.

Also just to clarify, I hate future Trunks. He is a winey brat who's entire character annoys me, but for those of you who like future trunks I am......OK with using him. The character least chosen by the time that chapter rolls out will be cut from his team. Like of you chose Gohan and Broly, Trunks won't appear in the story.

Remeber Alt. Future Gohan, Super Broly, or....... Future Trunks.

Thanks for all the support and again I apologize for the crappy writing and lateness.

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