Chapter 37: Our Last Hope

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Black's body went flying through the air with a pain filled shout before his voice was silenced by Zamasu's knee connecting with his back.

The pink haired warrior' face widen in pain and drops of blood flew from his mouth while his counterparts face twisted into a dark smile. Zamasu clasped his hands together over his head and brought them down onto Black's head sending him flying into the ground.

Black hit the ground hard, shattering the concrete he crashed into. A cloud of dust blasted upwards, covering him from view.

Zamasu floated down towards the dust cloud with a smirk on his face. That smirk was wiped away as a purple light glowed out from beneath the cloud. With a powerful shout Black fired a massive Kamehameha wave, blasting the clouds away with a massive expulsion of air.

Zamasu held his hands up to block the blast as it washed over him and into the cloudy night sky.

Black was knelt on one knee with his hands cupped in the kamehameha waves stance and held out towards Zamasu. His breath was rugged and his clothes were ripped or torn in places. He stared at the spot where he fired, a cloud of smoke hanging in the air was the only thing he could see.

Suddenly Zamasu burst through the murky cloud and came down with his fist drawn back for a strike laughing maniacally while he did so. Black barely had time to dodge, jumping to the left while Zamasu crashed into the ground breaking it even more than it already was. Black quickly threw out it his leg aiming for Zamasu's face, but the fallen kai merely deflected the kick with his forearm and quickly straighten out his arm with a ki blast already formed in the palm of his hand.

Black allowed gravity and a quick burst of energy to take him down to the cracked ground below allowing the ki blast to miss him by a hair and fly off into the distance and explode, taking a mountain or two with it. The pink hair warrior pushed his palm to the ground and flung his other foot up at the same time, hitting Zamasu in the gut and sending him flying into the rubble of Ozpin's tower.

Black twisted himself over and got to his feet, wiping some of the blood that dripped from his mouth off his chin. A sudden blast sent all of the rubble Zamasu was under flying. The kai slowly floated forward, any damage that he may have taken was already healed. Black looked at him with a frown while Zamasu slowly chuckled.

"I'll give you this, your stronger than the Black I was allied with. But your still no match for me." Black said nothing in return but he turned his head and spit out some blood that had built in his mouth. "You can't beat me Black." Zamasu said with a smirk.

"Just shut up already. If that's what my monologues sound like, I feel sorry for who ever hears them." Black said before he pulled off the top of his ruined GI, leaving him in his long sleeved undershirt. "I won't just beat you, I'll wipe you from existence." Black slid his right foot out in front of him and crouched down. He pulled his left fist back near his chest and held out his right hand in the classic combat stance,"Now fight me!"

Zamasu's smirk melted and he began to frown but he then quickly began to smile again. "How did you put it earlier? Oh yes: This is not a battle, this....this is a slaughter." Zamasu's eyes glisten with dark intent and he rocketed forward.

Black replied in same, charging forward just as fast.

The two collided and a blast of air ripped up the ground around them and turned the dust they knocked into the air into small painful projectiles. Black twisted himself around a threw his elbow towards Zamasu's face which was easily blocked by the kai's palm. The pink haired warrior used his other hand to push his elbow into Zamasu's palm forcing him to hit himself in the face.

Zamasu was barely fazed and pushed Black backwards through the air. Once airborne, Black formed two balls of ki in his hands and began to rapidly fire blasts at Zamasu. The kai smacked them away effortlessly as he charged after him.

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