Chapter 18: Blakes worries

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Its been a day since Blacks revelation of his past and nothing had changed in his daily routine with his companions, only now he had to show Neo around which is exactly what Ozpin had him doing right now.

"And this is the Training room, its where I spent most of my time the first few months after I got here."
Black told her walking up to the training room.

It had been remodeled after Blacks late night training session back when Jaune was still finding himself.

Now a thick glass window looked into the room, which was now sunk into the ground with a computer attached to a main column in the center of the room.

Neo pulled on his shirt sleeve and pushed her scroll that she got from Ozpin in front of him.

It read 'You like to train a lot don't you?'

"Yes Neo, its how I stay as powerful as I am and it let's me protect those closest to me. After all what's the point in having strength if not to protect something you care about?" Black told her in a a philosophical manner.

Neo smiled widely and nodded.

"Come on we have one more stop." Black told her and started to walk off.

Neo bounded after him.

He led her to a set of closed doors, Jaune and Nora where in front of the doors.

"Uh,what are you guys doing in front of the ball room doors like that?"

They we're both standing with their arms crossed in front of the door with unbearably straight faces.

Nora through out her left arm in a halt manner.

"Stop student, no one is allowed in the Ball room until the Vytal Tournament Ball begins." She told him very seriously.

"Uh huh, well I was just showing Neo around and this is the last place so...can you make an exception?" Black asked her with his hands presses together.

"Sorry, Yang and Coco said no ones allowed out.......but, they did ask for us to tell them if you showed up." Jaune told him.

".....why....." Black asked a little nervous as the last time he was with them.....well it didn't go exactly in Blacks favor.


"We should do this again sometime." Coco told Yang.

They had just finished buying Black some clothes after he destroyed his.

"Yes we should ~especially since big strong Black here can be our dress up model~." Yang told her while gazing at Black.

'Not fun! Definitely not fun!' Black thought and tried to scream out but he was holding a bag with his teeth so nothing but incoherent yelps came out.

"See he even agrees!" Yang said clasping her hands together happily.


-end of flashbacks

Black shivered at the thought.

"Well, they said something about needing to find something to wear and nee- Black where are you going?!" Nora shouted out to Black who had turned mid sentence grabbed Neo and took off running.

He didn't get far because as he turned into a corner Coco was walking down it.

He slid to a stop on the heels of his shoes and went to turn around but Coco saw him.

"Black hey! Good timing, me and Yang need some help shopping."

Black cursed in his mind 'Damn this recognizable spiky hair! I never can be mistaken for someone else!'

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