Chapter 24: The Parallels

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('Flashback narration')

After the events that transpired from team RWBY's mission in Mount Glenn, and the unleashing and destruction of Grimm by Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta, and Black in Vale, the first year students were allotted some days off from school to rest and get ready for the Vytal Tournament starting very soon.

However for Gohan and Trunks, who came from across time and space, this gave them an even bigger headache.

Explaining who they were and where they came from.

The four men from different times all sat on the roof of the school, Team RWBY and Team JNPR came along to hear the stories of the two newest saiyans they've met.

"So, you just showed up here? After we defeated you?" Trunks asked Black.

"Yeah, no idea why I was drawn here."
Black told him.

"You said your time machine brought you here, why is that?"

"I thought it was following you. But mom knows more about this type of thing."

Black frowned in remembrance of Trunks' Mother.

Team RWBY and JNPR sat silently, listening in on their conversation.

Gohan leaned forward towards his old student, "So in your time....I'm the one who died..." Trunks looked over and nodded sadly. "And I died in your time?" Trunks asked him.

Gohan looked away and Vegeta looked down.

"Gohan? Dad? Whats the matter? What happen to me there?" Trunks asked them.

"Trunks, in my time, Black didn't take my fathers body......he took yours." Gohan told him.

Trunks looked at Gohan in horror. " he couldn't have"

Gohan nodded. "It was a few years after we beat the wizard Babadi. You went missing after the fight, Me and your Bulma didn't stop searching until North City was attacked. They were just finishing up on rebuilding the last cities when we were attacked all over again."

-Flashback, Age 797, North City in Ruins-

'I arrived at least an hour after North City fell.'

Gohan flew into the ruins of the recently rebuilt city. His face twisted into one of anger and horror as he continued through the destruction.

'I remember thinking "We just found peace, after so much horror, will this ever end?"'

Gohan stopped near one of the few still standing buildings, scanning one of its many damaged sides for survivors when a purple bladed wave of ki flew out of the dark clouds above and nearly hit Gohan before he moved away.

"Who's there?!" Gohan powered up and fired a few blasts into the clouds. The blasts lit the dark clouds filling the sky with golden lights.

Several more purple blasts came flying from the clouds but Gohan just deflected them into other buildings causing them to crumble to the ruined streets below.

"Well, well-" A familiar but different voice fell from the sky, "-Look at you all heroic. You pathetic mortal." A dark world wind floated down from the sky. More blasts rained down from the world wind.

Gohan moved side to side avoiding the blasts before flying up onto a building.

"Who are you?!" Gohan screamed into the dark storm.

The world Wind floated down into the city before dispersing in a burst of winds. "Silly little Gohan, you know who I am." The voice said again as the dark winds finally receded and revealed the man behind the voice.

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