Chapter 19: Vytal Ball! Intruder!

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After running for his life from both Yang and Coco for a little while, the three of them and Neo headed back to Beacon to get ready for the ball.

Black was with Jaune, Sun, Ren, and Neptune in Sun and Neptune's dorm room getting ready for the ball. The girls were using Team RWBY and JNPR's dorms.

Black was standing in front of the bathroom mirror in a black tux, a dark purple under shirt and he was trying to put on his dark red tie.

He kept tying his finger into it or just out right started to choke himself.

After another failed attempt he slammed his hands onto the bathroom counter and screamed "Damn Tie!"

The bathroom door creaked open and the other four boys poked their heads in.

"You OK?" Jaune asked him.

"I will be as long as I get to imploded this damned thing." Black told him while holding out the tie towards him.

"Come on out." Ren told him.

Black walked out and then Neptune ran in the bathroom.

"Hey man I was next!" Sun complained.

But his teammate just shouted back "This hair takes time! You can wait!"

Black sat on one of the four beds in the room.

Ren walked over to him and motioned for him to stand up.

"Let me see your tie." Ren told him.

Black happily gave him the tie.

Ren started to tie it quickly.

In about 30 seconds he was done and Blacks tie was now snuggly inside his suit just past the opening in the top of it.

"Well that's it, your magic because that was an impossible feat."

Ren chuckled and then started back getting himself ready.

"It wasn't much, I learned pretty quick way back when."

Black walked towards the with Dow in the room "I never had the motivation or reason to dress up before."

"Well now you do. Welcome to the world of school functions, fun but formal." Jaune joked at him.

Black scoffed.

After a few more minutes of getting ready the guys headed over to team RWBY and JNPRs dorms.

"So who's your date?" Sun asked Black.

"Don't have one."

"What your not gonna ask Ruby? Or Yang?" Neptune asked him.

"I am a little to old to be asking little girls to a dance. Besides, I can't dance."

"Well can't blame you there, I can't either." Neptune told him.

"Well yes but your still going with Weiss right?"

"I'm not going with Weiss. She doesn't have a date."

Black looked at him and frowned. "Your joking right? The only reason Jaune didn't ask after the whole guitar incident is because he thought she was going with you."

"Well I can't dance so of she wanted to dance it would be embarrassing."

Black breathed out in a slight bit of anger "OK you are going to ask her lit so that she doesn't feel like a nobody at the ball, if she asks to dance you....politely tell her you can't, do I make myself clear." Black took on a menacing tone in the last part of the sentence.

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