Chapter 14: Vegetas class

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Team RWBY and JNPR plus Black were slowly making there way to their newest and last class before lunch.

Vegeta's class.

"I can't believe he's going to be teaching us." Weiss told her friends.

"Don't be so hateful towards Vegeta, we haven't know him for very long, you've known him a while haven't you Black?" Blake asked him.

"Sort of a while, yes." Black told her.

"Well what's he like?" She asked him.

Black turned of to the side trying to think of a way to describe the calamity that is Vegeta.

"Well, he's prideful there's no way to get around that. Its the entire core of his being but he does have a few soft spots when it comes to his family. He's arrogant but he has both the mind and prowess to be as arrogant as he is. And when it comes to fighting there might not he someone as nearly as tactical, strategic, or intelligent as him. I'm sure he'll be a tough but very good teacher." Black told the whole group trying to reassure them of Vegeta's likeness.

But you know how that song goes.....its Vegeta.

After a minute of walking the group made it to Vegeta's class room where several students had already taken their seats.

Vegeta wasn't in the room yet.

They 9 of them found a row a seats not taken and sat down.

As the last of the students filed in, Vegeta was still no where to be seen.

The other students in the room started to talk since their teacher was late.

"Where is he?" Ruby asked Black.

"I have no clue." Black told her.

As if on cue the class door opened and Vegeta walked through in his normal jacket, red shirt, pants, boots, and fingerless gloves. His tail was wrapped around his waist like a belt.

The mass of students didn't even realize he was there and continued to talk.

'Oh boy, this is going to be interesting.' Black thought to himself.

Vegeta walked over to his desk and grabbed a marker and wrote 'Professor Vegeta' on the board.

He turned around and stared at the mass group of students who were talking.

He raised his hand up and fired a ki blast at the door causing it to explode and create a loud noise.

Several of the students let out yelps or screams of fear.

"Quit your yelping! Its time for class to begin." Vegeta shouted at them.

'Well that escalated quickly.' Black looked on with wide eyes.

The whole class shakily sat down and got quiet.

"My name is Vegeta, you make call me professor Vegeta, Mr. Vegeta, or Mr. Professor Vegeta and nothing else. My class is tactics and strategy, I'll be teaching you maggots how to fight the right way and yes there is a right way."

"Did he just call us maggots?" Weiss asked fuming in rage.

"Yes I did." Vegeta quickly spoke and looked her way with his intimidating and terrifying stare.

This gained an "Eep!" From her.

"Impress me and I might learn your names, probably not." Vegeta told the whole class before turning around and drawing something on the board.

"To summarize what I mean by that here is a simple chart to help you understand."

He moved to the side revealing a stair way chart.

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