Chapter 32: Semi-Finals

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Team VGTB were making their way outside to board the first transport to the Vytal Arena after a good nights sleep.

Team RWBY, CFVY, Neo and Winter were waiting for them at the entrance to Beacon.

"Hey guys!" Trunks called out with a wave. The group in front of them turned with a smile and waved back.

When the two met up, Gohan immediately went to Velvets side.

Black stepped up to Winter who had a smile in the place of her usual emotionless face.

Everyone except for Coco, Neo, and the rest of team VGTB were confused.

Neo immediately clung to Blacks side with a child-like smile causing Black to chuckle at her action.

Winter however gave a raised eyebrow but remained silent as the little girl clinging to Blacks waist was probably to young for Black. (Because Black is not a pedophile)

Finally Ruby spoke up,"What's up with you four?" She asked pointed at Gohan and Velvet and then Black and Winter.

"I can't say for Black and Winter, but Velvet and I are dating." Gohan told her causing Velvet to blush from his straight forward answer.

Yang however crushed the can of drink she was holding,"Say what?! Why didn't anyone tell me?!"

Gohan put up a hand nervously,"I'm sorry Yang I didn't know you fel-"

"How am supposed to get any kind of information on my scroll to announce you guys getting together?!" She asked angrily waving her phone.

"Wait, what?" Black asked in curiosity.

Ruby sighed before answering.

"Yang has this thing with shipping to people together."

"It is not a thing! Its a way of life." Yang responded before furiously typing away on her scroll.

Weiss looked up at her sister,"So what about you and Black?"

Winter looked at Black who had picked up the girl by the back of her jacket and started to ask her various questions.

"Yes, you could call us a couple." Winter answered.

Blacks head turned and looked at Winter before smiling.

The four teams and their companions started on their way to the Vytal Colosseum. They only stopped to board a bullhead to the floating arena.

"So, how did you and the little one get  acquainted?" Winter asked Black while they boarded the bullhead.

"Oh, Neo? I saved her during a fight with that crazy thief Torchwick. So I decided to bring her with me. I made sure Ozpin was alright with it of course, but besides that I'm kinda of like her guardian of sort. Though team CFVY seems to have taken a liking to her." Black explained giving a look at Coco.

"Hey we can't help that she so tiny and adorable." Coco said patting Neo on the head.

Neo gave her a puffed up face full of playful anger.

Black chuckled before looking at Yang and Weiss who were talking about their game plan for the semifinals.

"So you two are going up next right?" Black asked.

Yang looked over with a wicked grin, "Oh yeah we're going to break some legs!"

Black laughed,"And what about your team Coco?"

"Oh, its going to be myself and Yatsu. And don't think about going easy on us Yang." Coco looked over at Yang.

"The same goes for you." Weiss told them with her usual smirk.

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