The Beagle Birthday Bonus!

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A/n: (words like this) are thoughts!! ____ is your name. Writing gets better as you go! Happy reading!!

I was watching The Beagle Birthday Breakout for like the hundredth time.

"Lena! I mean love you but like Webby deserves better." I rolled my eyes as Lena talked bad about the triplets and Duck family.

I was at home watching a marathon of Ducktales ignoring the storm outside. It was almost midnight when it started picking up pretty bad. I heard a lightning bolt hit the ground outside my house. The house shook and a blinding light filled my eyes. I felt my back hit something soggy. I blinked and a small child in my face. A small child, with a bill.

"Ahhhhhh!" I rolled over to try to get away but didn't get far seeing as I was sinking into sand and waves crashing into my back.

"Guys!" He screamed and waved towards someone. I recognized the voice immediately. The fact he was wearing a green hoodie also help. I floundered for words as he turned back towards me. "What are you?"

I looked over to who he had screamed at. A boy in a red hat and a girl with a pink bow, who where talking and another boy, in blue shirt, were unloading a boat. They looked at the boy in front of me and dropped everything, running towards us.

"Wow, what is she?" Blue asked.

I didn't say anything. Red pulled out a book and flipped through it. The cover read 'Junior Woodchuck Guide'.

"Maybe she's some sort of bigfoot?" I looked them over.

(This is a dream.) I thought as something touched my hand. It was a bottle the waves was pushing ashore. I looked at it and the girl seemed to stare at it so I handed it to her. Hesitantly, she took it and read it to herself; the boys read over her shoulder.

"Wait is this another prank?" she asked. Another bottle touched my hand. I handed that one as well and she read it. "She didn't ditch me! She was captured! Oh wait, she was captured! Come on we've got to save her."

"What about her?" The boy in blue motioned towards me.

"I can help if you want," I smiled.

(Even if this is a dream it could be fun.)

They gasped.

"You can talk?" Red asked.

"Of course," I laughed. They stood their in shock. "My name's  ____!"

There was a moment of silence.

"Nice to meet you, ____. I'm Huey. These are my brothers Dewey and Louie. This our friend Webby," Huey introduced them.

Dewey waved. Louie snapped a picture with his phone. Webby's jaw was laying on the ground.

"Soooo, do we have a plan to get your friend back?" That put them in gear.

They ran over to a radio. Webby pulled me behind her and she turned the dials for a minute before Ma Beagle's voice rang through it.

"I'm on my way boys. I may not have gotten to eating my birthday cake but at least I'll get a little slice of revenge." The old lady's voice rang out.

"We have to help her," Webby yelled.

"We should go get Uncle Scrooge, Beakley, and couple tanks," Louie suggested, counting on his fingers for emphasizes.

"There's no time. Look, me and Lena fought a truck, beat the Taquitos, and where British together." Webby words sounded like nonsense but made me smile.

"I don't know what any of that means," Dewey replied.

"Now you know how I feel half the time. You wouldn't leave each other behind and I'm not leaving her. Now come on." She marched off. She turned around and looked over her shoulder. "And this time I'm getting a spot in the stupid boat."

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