older brother?

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  "Come on (l/n) the bathroom's this way" Todo said showing me through the mansion. The whole way he was mumbling about how he did wash his hands and that Fuyumi was wrong. It was hilarious watching the cold Todoroki being annoyed by such a silly thing.

  After we washed our hands we back down to the kitchen and were ready to eat when all of a sudden the front door opened. "Are you expecting anyone else?" I asked the siblings, but they both shook their heads in a negative way. Fuyumi told us to wait at the table but there was no way we would do that. Quietly we followed Fuyumi to the door. We were ready for everything either it was a villain or a common thief. Instead we heard Fuyumi happily yelling "Natsuo!!! What a surprise! You're not supposed to be here 'till tomorrow." "I know sis I know" said the boy laughing. Todoroki left my side and walked towards the mystery guy. "Natsuo!" He said and gave him a hug. I went back to the kitchen and waited for them to come back.

  Five minuites later the trio came through the door. "(L/n) this is my older brother Natsuo. He's home from college for the summer." Natsuo had short pointy snow white hair that complemented his grey eyes amazing. He was tall definitely over 1,75. He wore a white blue jacket with something that looked like a combination of the moon, the sun, and a lump, it also had strikes of a yellow-green color. "Hi!" He said, "Hello I am (l/n) (y/n) a friend of todoroki... I mean Shoto todoroki." I said and emediatlly regretted opening my mouth. Even though I'm quite a confident person I can't help but feel weak under his presence. Damnit it. He just chuckled, 'man he's hot' I thought. 'no (y/n) he's todo's brother and definitely way older than you' I tried collecting my self.

  "Do you want to join us?" Fuyumi asked motioning towards the table. She had made sushi aka my favourite food. (Sorry if it isn't bit I couldn't stop myself it's just so amazing). "Hell yes!" Natsuo responding and we all started eating.

Time skip after you finished and also cleared the table.

  "So (l/n) how did you and Shoto meet?" Fuyumi asked and Natsuo turned and looked at me. "Todo and I actually started talking during the sports festival, before then he didn't even bother with telling me good morning." I chuckled at the memory and continued with the story. "Todo had just beaten Midorya and was going up against me. Before our fight started he came towards me and introduced himself, since" "Don't say it" Todo pleaded interrupting me mid sentence. "Don't listen to him (l/n) continue. If he doesn't want us to hear he probably said something emberassing." Natsuo snickerd motioning to me as if telling me to continue. "Anyways... He came and introduced himself thinking I was from a different class because he hadn't see me before and what's ironic about that is the fact that he's sitting next to me in class." I said and snickerd towards Shoto who was hiding his embarrassed red face in his palms. I knew he hated it when I told the story. "To conclude we fought and I lost because I wasn't as strong as Todo at the time."

  Fuyumi was angrily looking at her younger brother and then went on and on telling him that what he did wasn't polite and blah blah blah. Natsuo had burst out laughing from the seen and I was doing the same.

  When Fuyumi finished her small lecture it was Natsuo's turn to ask me a question. "So.. how old are you?" He asked me I was a bit taken back because I was in the same class as his brother, it was weird asking a question that he most likely had already answered. I did respond anyway though. "I'm 15 years old. What about you?" I asked back. "I'm 18" he said "I'm going to turn nineteen in 1 month, my birthday's on July 1st." "Cool! I'll turn 16 at (y/b)." He nodded and the four of us fell into a comfortable silence.

  '18 ... He's not that old' I thought. I never was into older guys, in fact I was very surprised on the fact that other people were. Here I am though, mentally drooling over my best friend's hot brother's aperriance. I must've been staring because Todo waved his hand in front of my face and snapped me out of my trance. "Come on (l/n) let's go to my room and do something fun." He suggested. I just shrugged, waved at his siblings and followed him out if the kitchen upstairs to a door that I assumed was the entrance to his room.

Hi everyone! So another chapter is here. It's a little weird writing for a character that no one knows much about but I'm doing my best.
Till next time!
Katsikavouro's out.

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