so... (y/n)

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Your pov

  Shoto and I walked inside his room. It wasn't much just, a traditional Japanese styled bedroom, 'it fits well with the rest of the house' i thought. "So what do you want to do?" I took a minute to think... "What about listening to Hamilton while playing board games? Or we could watch a movie? Or we can play truth or dare" I suggested with a smirk full of mischief. "Let's watch a movie and then later we can do the Hamilton one. I am not playing truth or dare with you." Todo responded. "Fine." I said with a fake pout.

Third person pov

"Before we decide on the movie, if you'll excuse me I have to visit the restroom." You said standing up and then making your way out of the room. Meanwhile Shoto went to his shelve to pick some movies when suddenly he heard a ding from his phone. He put the movies on his night stand and picked up his phone from the bed.

Shoto's messages are gonna be bold like this

Natsuo's will be underlined like this

Yo shoto. It was a message from Natsuo. He opened it and started chatting with him.


(Y/n) is quite a cutie. I bet she's a good kisser 😉😉

We aren't dating.

No way she's the first girl you bring home and you want to convince me that she's not your girlfriend!!! I'm not falling for that.

  Todoroki sighed and responded to his annoying brother once again.

I'm serious. She's just my best friend. Why are you asking about her anyways??? Huh bro?

No reason.

You want me to believe that, you never talk about girls with me there's no way you don't want to learn something out of this conversation.

Alright fine😣 I'll tell you why I'm asking.

You fancy her😉😉😉

No I don't. I just think she's kind of cute that's all😄

So let's say that she was my girlfriend what would you do?

Nothing I'm not that cruell. *Offended*

Oh please don't pretend to be "offended"

So will you help me?

I don't know if you have forgotten but I have as much experience with girls as you have .... which is none.😂😂😂

You mean.😢

*You're mean.

F*** you

Save that for (y/n)

😶😶😶😑😣 Bro.

Sorry not sorry.

So are you gonna help or not?

I'll find out if you have a chance by the end of the day.

Thanks Shoto you're the best.

Duh. Gotta go she's back.

Ok bb

  You oppened the door to find Todoroki on his phone. "Did you find a movie?" You asked. Shoto then remembered that you were supposed to watch a movie, he mentally face palmed and went with the risky question. "Nah I want to play truth or dare." He said sweating from the nervousness. You smiled like the cheshire (how do you spell his name?) Cat and asked right away. "Truth or Dare?" "Truth." "Do you like Yaomomo?" Shoto blushed and just nodded. You squealed, you shipped him with a lot of people but this was your top ship. "Your turn." He said trying to avoid any teasing before happening due to his answer. "Ask me." You said. "Are you serious?" You nodded your head while he gave you the bitch face. "Truth or Dare?" "Dare!!!" "Ok" Todoroki stopped to think for a second. "I dare you to go to Natsuo's room thinking it's the guest room without nocking and fall on his bed. You also have to pretend to be sleeping." He said. It would be quite a simple dare if you didn't have a tiny little slight crush on the boy, that may I add, you literally just met.

You made your way out of your room and Todo pointed to his brother's room door. You walked all the way there and casually opened the door. Natsuo was sitting on his bed which made things way weirder. But you weren't a chicken, you wouldn't back down. Determined you made your way towards the bed pretending to be very sleepy, that was when Natsuo noticed you. He didn't say anything because he was shocked from the fact that you were inside his room. You ignored his presence and laid on the bed accidentally falling on his legs. You just pretending to be sleeping while your cheeks were covered with a bright blush, matching Natsuo's bright red ones due to the sudden contact. He immediately went to text Shoto to ask him what was going on when you just stood up and left not sparing him a glance. He was very confused so he followed you while you walked towards todo's room completely ignoring him.

  You walked through the door and went to sit on the bed. Natsuo stayed outside and spyed by listening to what the two of you were discussing about. "Did you do it?" Shoto asked. "Yeah" You responded still blushing. "Why are you blushing (y/n)? Is it possible that you have a thing for my brother?" You just blushed even harder and lost control over your quirk which resulted to you popping your wings out. Shoto was surprised. He's plan had actually worked!!! He quickly grabbed his phone and texted Natsuo.

Bro don't throw away your shot.

  You were to busy covering your face that you didn't notice him doing that. "Can we listen to Hamilton already?" "You were the one that wanted to play." Shoto stated normally. "Well yeah but I don't want to anymore." You responded to him. "Ok yeah! I mean it's my favourite musical after all."Todoroki responded with a glimpse of excitement in his heterochromic eyes. He went to his CD collection and picked out the disk. "Which one do we start with?" He asked. "Hhhmmmmm I don't know. I mean every single one is amazing. What about Washington on your side." He nodded and the song started playing. "You know Natsuo's a big fan of Hamilton as well." "Todoroki what are you up too?" You asked. "Nothing in particular, I'm just preparing my self for the upcoming rap part later on the song."

Umm yeah...
Katsikavouro's out.

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