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'Fghdkskjdndnggakksmbdhgcgtdyieowosmncgghhdkk. Did I just listen to her correctly? Oh God my face feels so hot. I probably look like a tomato... What do I do, what do I do, ahhhhhhhh! No! Calm down. This is what I wanted, right?, right?'

'Well hell yeah it is! I was just fantasizing about her a few hours ago, maybe wanted to do a bit more while doing that though...'

I started violently shaking my head trying to get the dirty thoughts out of my mind so that I wouldn't get "excited" (cough* cough*). (Y/n) looked at me with those beautiful eyes of hers making me blush even harder and as a result I covered my face with my hands and turned around, just so that she wouldn't see me.

"I knew you wouldn't feel that way for me..." The gorgeous girl in front of me said and I immediately turned around and took her amazing face in my palms. I went close to her face "what are you talking about!? I'm crazy for you! I've spent the last days thinking about how i want to hold you in my arms and never let you go! I was terrified when I heard that my "father" wanted to see if you were worthy because I know how mean and demanding he can be. And believe me when I tell you that you're the most beautiful woman I've ever layed my eyes on."

I stopped speaking and finally took in a deep breath. I wasn't breaking eye contact with her, I just couldn't look away of those (e/c) pearls that were complimenting her characteristics perfectly.


There they were. Standing in front of each other, faces flushed and his arms cupping her cute cheeks that were kind of pressing her lips together.

(Y/n) pulled away and then went back in giving him a hug so tightly that Natsuo couldn't really breath, it could also be because of his overwelmness as well though, he wasn't quite sure.

"Do you really mean all those things?" The girl asked sniffing in his beutiful natural smell mixed with a bit of deodorant that just completed his athletic vibe. "Would I still be hugging you if I didn't?" Asked the slightly older teenager making her laugh.

"So... (Y/f/n) are you going to do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Asked the boy blushing. "Yes, yes I will Natsuo Todoroki" the girl replied with a smile.



I woke up and ... WAIT! I was asleep? Uhh whatever. What the hell is that lovey dovey sound! Did I fell asleep while Fuyumi was watching soap operas again? Oh (y/n) and Natsuo are here as well! Why are they hugging!!!

"So... (Y/f/n) are you going to do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Huh? What did I miss! (France is following us to revolution there is no more status quo, but the sun comes up and the wo- sorry I'll stop😅)

"Yes, yes I will Natsuo Todoroki."

"What!?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and watched as they pulled apart in an instant! "H-how long were you awake for?" Natsuo asked rubbing the back of his neck non stop. (The man was non stop! If you get the reference you are one of my favorite people on earth)

(Y/n) was just playing with her hands while looking around trying to play it off as if nothing happened. "Long enough for me to realize that I didn't miss only an episode but the whole season!"

"Hehehe" they both laughed awkwardly. "Well... Are you dating or just messing around?" I asked a bit irritated because I didn't know what was going on! "Uh... Yes we are! We are dating, omg we're dating! I finally have a boyfriend! Yeah!!!" (Y/n) explained to me and probably also realizing it herself because she had raised her fist in the air and was jumping around making Natsuo laugh like crazy.

Oh we have a long way to go!

"Come on!" Natsuo said taking (y/n)'s hand while they were both giggling.

"Wow...! Just two minutes into their relationship and their all ready going into first place. Huh! Who would've thought?"


The two love birds were running throughout the house, the girl following the boy that was taking her somewhere when Fuyumi suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Hey! What are you doing? No running in the house!" They just ignored her while chuckling. They passed by her and finally reached their destination, (y/n)'s new room!

The girl had found time to decorate it the way he wanted to and had actually moved her stuff in it. It was matching her personality. Natsuo smiled at the view and took a moment to take everything in. The girl closed the door behind them and hugged the boy from behind snuzzling her face into his back.

"What do you want to do now?" Asked Natsuo turning around and wrapping his arms around her as well. "I don't know... I mean we could watch a movie or maybe play a board game?" "A movie sounds nice! You choose which one I don't care about the genre and then maybe we can talk and learn more about each other." The girl smiled "that sounds wonderful." She led the boy towards her bed and opened her laptop and picked a movie.

"Wait!" Natsuo said suddenly startling the girl. "What happened is everything alright?" (Y/n) asked worried. "Oh yeah I'm just going to bring snacks what do want?" "I'll leave it up to you~" the girl said in a flirty tone for no reason at all, making the boy gulp. "O-ok! I'll be back in a minute." He said and went down to the kitchen.

Le time skip

(Y/n) heard the door open and looked up seeing her lovely boyfriend coming in with a ball of chips and one smaller one full of Reese's pieces and some peanut butter cups. (Y/n) smiled "No way! These are my favorite!" She said and Natsuo smiled and pulled the girl into his lap making her blush. "So what are we watching?" He asked. "Dirty dancing." She said and pressed play.


I should stop writing or I never will. This chapter is a bit all over the place so sorry for that!

Katsikavouro's out!!!

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