it's going to be alright

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Third person pov.

It was now 9:00 pm and the todoroki's were sitting with (y/n) in the living room. She had stopped crying for about an hour and now her friend's family was keeping a VERY close eye on her in case she had a mental breakdown while their trivial pursuit game.

The timer from the cooker rang and Fuyumi ran to the kitchen to get the food. This time she had cooked soba. All the while the only female todoroki sister was in the kitchen, it was time for Natsuo to ask (y/n) the next question.

"How mates does a seahorse have?" Natsuo became kind of flustered which caused Shoto to facepalm. Why was his brother linking (y/n) with seahorses?. (Y/n) just smiled since she knew the answer and put the category's colored triangle into her pie, so that she didn't have to do it later. "One. Every seahorse has one mate for life." She answers and smirked as she saw Natsuo turn even redder. Todoroki burst out laughing at hi reaction which caused the older sibling to stick a tung out at him.

(Y/n)'s pov

Natsuo looked so cute while blushing, I couldn't help but fangirl mentally when my little cheering session was brought to an end by Fuyumi todoroki bringing the food to the living room.

"How are you (y/n)?" She asked me giving me a compassionate glance. I smiled and responded "Actually I'm doing really good. I know it sounds ironic considering that my parents almost died a few hours ago, but their in the hands of the doctors so I know that if anything happens an expert will be there for them. The only thing I'm worried for where I'm going to stay. My aunt is out of the country so she can't help me. Thanks for asking though." I ended my sentence with a smile.

"What's your quirk again?" Fuyumi questioned and I was sure sh was planning something. "It's called fallen. I basically can grow wings out of my back and control fire." The female smiled and looked over at her brothers. "Quite a powerful quirk, I bet that father wouldn't mind having around anouther fire bunder." "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" Both Shoto and Natsuo said together. "But she has nowhere to stay. I promise I'll be the one to tell him he isn't violent towards me so I don't think he'll be with (l/n) either. If anything happens I'll be the first to get (l/n) to a new nice home." I had just realized what Fuyumi was offering. "No! You don't have to do this I don't want to cause to much trouble, I'll a way." "No way! I'm not letting you wandering around with some random family that won't even care for you!" Natsuo chimed in making me blush. Shoto was deep in thought and his siblings looked at him with hope in their eyes. "I guess we can try?" Shoto responded. "OMG thank you so much! I'll find a way to repay you! Again thanks so much todoroki." "You're welcome!!!" They all said together. "Ok if we're going to do this we have to sort a few things out" Natsuo said and they all burst into a pit of laughter. "After all you need mental support at the moment." Shoto said. I smiled and gave each of them a hug. ( Natsuo of course blushed 😏).

"Now let's eat I'm starving!!" I said and everyone nodded sitting to eat the soba that Fuyumi had cooked. I burst into another pit of laughter watching them all slurping the noodles in the same way. 'maybe things will be alright' I thought to my self and continued with my food.

Time skip to where they're getting ready to sleep. (Unlike me😂)

Third person pov

"The food was amazing Fuyumi thank you so much, for everything!" (Y/n) said. She was now calling her and Shoto with their first names. "No problem! Anyways I'm going to sleep since I'm tired. Goodnight! Don't be late it's already 11:30" "ok" they all said I unison.

She made her way upstairs and that was when Shoto suggested an idea wanting his ship to sail. " Why don't we sleep all together in the living room?" He asked. "Uuuummm ok I mean... What could happen" Natsuo responded eyeing him suspiciously. "Ok!" (Y/n) said exited.

They brought all the things needed to make a makeshift bed for each down and got to work while singing it's a hard nock life quietly. (Because why not)

They finished and (y/n) asked Shoto which room she could use to change in. "You can use Natsuo's room😏." He stated with a smirk and bade Natsuo and (y/n) blush so that hard a tomato would be ashamed. "O-ok" she said and cursed her self for statering.

Now don't get her wrong, she loved the idea of being in Natsuo's room without pretending to be sleeping but it still was the handsome man's room!. She would get todoroki back for that.

When she was finally upstairs Natsuo surprised attacked Shoto. He was so mad and flustered, he was definitely getting revenge on him and he knew exactly how to. But that had to wait since (y/n) came down wearing her black shorts and a light blue tee, which WAS Natsuo's favorite color, and had her hair in two braids.

The male was blushing so much!!! Shoto actually thought that his brother would have a little problem with his friend down there for a moment. If you know what I mean. (An. Excuse my perverted thoughts please :)"

The older brother got of his younger one and went to change himself along with todoroki. While (y/n) was waiting for them she made herself comfortable in her makeshift bed and waited for them to come down.

When they did the girl was stunned by Natsuo's look. He was wearing some marroon sweat pants and a tight white tee that was showing his defined muscles. Shoto quietly giggled at their awkwardness and made his way to his bed which was on the right of (y/n) while Natsuo's was on her left.

"I hope we have mellons. I really want to eat one on the morning." Shoto stated which gave (y/n) a chance to make him blush.

"Oh I'm sure Yaomomo won't mind. She has them quite big so I'm sure you'll be full by the end." Shoto's mouth was hanging and his face was matching to his hair. ,"Goodnight" he mumbled and to sleep trying to avoid any teasing done by his brother.

The other two said their goodnights and went to lay down.

It was 1 am and (y/n) still couldn't sleep. Why didn't Natsuo allow her to call him by his first name, will her parents be ok, is she going to be able to stay at the todoroki household?"

She stood into a sitting position and tried to calm her thoughts when suddenly Natsuo stood besides her. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Yeah just night thoughts." "Can I help?" "Nah I don't think so thanks todoroki." (Y/n) answerd. "You can call me Natsuo. I prefer it especially when it's from you." He said making her blush. "Call me (y/n) ... Natsuo~" (y/n) said this time making him blush. "Goodnight (y/n)" he said with a smile. "Goodnight Natsuo."

After one of her questions was answerd she fell into a deep sleep watching a certain whitehaid at her dream.

Things WERE going to be alright.

It's now 2:32 and I just finished the chapter. Goodnight or good morning to all of you.
Katsikavouro's out.

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