author's note

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Sorry it's not an update.😅
So, I'm currently working on a chapter that includes a lot of your quirk.
Spoiler alert!!! You're going to show endeavor your quirk and fight with Todo.

Well when I first introduced you your quirk I didn't give all the information you need I'll put everything bellow. If I come up with something new about your quirk it's going to be on this page. I'll mention it if I do so. Without any further endure here you go.

It resembles a fallen angel so that's where the name comes from.


- fire bending
- flame control (so basically if there is a fire already lighted you can control it,it doesn't have to be created by you.)
- temperature control. you can control the fire's temperature as long as it isn't over 60 degrees Celsius.
- when you use flame control you can make the flames sharp, not a knife sharp though. They can cut through stuff but not flesh.
- wing birth. You can grow (f/c) wings out of your back whenever you want to.
- wing armor. So the wings will act as an armor if they're covered in fames.
- flying. You can fly all the way above the clouds.


- If the flames get higher then 1100 degrees Celsius (which is above the normal temperature 600-800 degrees.) You can get third degree Burnes and faint because of the high temperature.
- You might start acting a bit weird at 900 degrees which can show your enemies that your closer to your limit.
- you don't control the temperature of the fire you haven't created which makes it easier for you to get injured. (With your flames you can lower the temperature to 60-0 degrees to avoid it.)
- every time you grow your wings it'll hurt like being stabbed in the back and sometimes you bleed. You've got used to it though so you're not affected by the pain.
- if the wings aren't covered they're completely fragile to attacks not to the point that they'll fall off but they can break. It's easier to happen with water type quirks.
- if you go higher then the atmosphere you can't breathe (duh.)
- if you use your quirk for more then three hours (I changed it) you get back injuries so it's better to not use the wings and the flames together for the whole time.

That's all for now. I'll try and get the new chapter out by tonight or tomorrow morning. If it's not out by then I will probably not have finished it.

Have a good day!!!
Katsikavouro's out!
Oh and watch the video above it's way funnier with the bnha characters.

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