first time

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Warning!!! Smut

  "Are you ready to go?" Natsuo asked his girlfriend (y/n). He had planned a romantic evening that involved eating at a nice sushi bar, getting desert and eating it at the beach under the stars and then later he thought they would take their relationship one step further.

  "I just need a minute to put on my shoes." (Y/n) said. He sat on the couch and pulled out his phone. He was scrolling through Instagram when he heard her out of her room. "So... What do you think?!" She said as she jumped into the living room.

  Natsuo didn't know what to say! She was breathing. She was wearing a black jeans skirt and a red tank top paired with a pair of black converse. To top it all off she had put on a little bit of makeup, curled the ends of hrper hair a bit and was wearing a light blue moon shaped necklace, that he had bought her earlier that day.

He on the other hand was wearing black jeans with a white t-shirt that was tight enough to show his well built body but also a bit loose. He had paired those with black converse as well and a black jacket.

   He walked towards his girlfriend and planted a kiss on her lips. "You look gorgeous!" He said and took her hand in his and they both left the house to begin their date.


  They had reached the restaurant and like every logical human being they walked in. It was a nice place with a lot of traditional Japanese drawings and plants. It had nice dim lights and nice music playing in the background. It wasn't full and thankfully that didn't see anyone they know so they wouldn't get interrupted; Everything was perfect.

  The boy led the girl towards a table at a corner surrounded by plants. He pulled the chair for her and they sat down. The waiter came and asked them for their orders. When they were ready and they ate the food they exited after Natsuo paid and headed towards a place to find desert. After a while they found a creperie and ordered waffle bites. For one more time they started walking to their destination, the beach.

  When they were there Natsuo literally pulled a blanket to sit down on the sand and that's what they did. They ate the waffle bites and layed there for a bit. "(Y/n)?" "Yes?" "I thought about it and if you want to as well, maybe we could... You know make love tonight?" He asked her clearly a bit nervous. "I would like that." She said and gave him a kiss on the lips. They stayed there a little longer and then started walking home.

  On their way there (y/n) got a bit cold. Natsuo noticed and put his jacket over her shoulders taking her into a side hug. They were walking in a comfortable silence until they reached the front door. (Y/n) took a big breath and asked Natsuo to give her the keys. He did so and they walked in.

  "By the way I had a lovely time to-" (y/n) didn't get to finish since the moment she turned around to face him his lips were on hers. She didn't hold back and started kissing him as well.


  I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him closer towards me and he lifted me up and pushed me against the wall. I was surprised and accidentally pulled away. "You ok? Was I too rough?" Natsuo asked panting a bit. "Yeah yeah I'm fine just didn't expected it." "I'll worn you next time." He said and I pulled him into a make out session. We were fighting for dominance but I accidentally moaned granting him better access so he won.

  After a while I felt his grip on my hips tighten and he lifted me off the wall and carried me towards my room. When we entered he let me down and took of his shirt. Omg! He was very well built imagine bakugou but better! It was then my turn and I felt a bit anxious. I mean what if he doesn't like what he sees. He understood my concern and took my hands in his. "You're beautiful (y/n), and nothing can change my mind." I smiled and started taking off my tank top and pants and stayed in my underwear. (Because I forgot to mention it they have taken off their shoes and because I don't like germs have also washed their hands.)

  I looked up at Natsuo to see his reaction and he was blushing while I think trying not to touch me. I took a step forward and tugged at his pants. He understood what I wanted him to do and unbuckled his belt while I sat on the bed. When he was done he only had underwear on and was holding a condom that he left at my night stand before getting on top of me. He kissed me again and moved his hands up and down my body and I started getting aroused. I sat up and watched him getting surprised at my actions. I looked into his eyes and unclipped my bra. He looked at my breasts until I covered them with my hands.

  He took my hands away and layed me back down whispering in my ear. "Don't cover up you're perfect." I blushed and moaned as I suddenly felt his lips on my nipples. He was licking the one and then moved to the other one. I could feel how wet I was but somehow through all the sensations I managed to get my voice out and to tell him that I was ready. He nodded as red as a tomato and stood on his knees to reach the condom resting on my nightstand. That was when I got a good look at him through his one item of clothing and saw how excited he was. I couldn't make out everything since there wasn't much light in the room but I could make out the fact that his was 1. big and 2. probably feeling very trapped down there because he was struggling to move.

  He came went back to his position and slowly took off his underwear. I was trying not to look but I couldn't, I took a glimpse and gasped. He wasn't huge nut definitely more then seven inches. He put on the condom and saw my expression. "Don't worry baby I promise I'll try not to hurt you." He said while touching my cheek and I nodded. We layed back down and he took my underwear off. He kissed me and I felt something entering down there. I looked down and saw that it was his finger. "If you don't like it tell me to sto-" I cut him off with a kiss and felt his finger slowly moving in and out. He put in one more and did the same. "Natsu~ now." I said and watched as he blushed a bit more and took his fingers out. "Tell me if it hurts too much." He said breathlessly and I nodded. He then lined himself up to my entrance and slowly pushed in. We both gasped and I could feel my walls being stretched. "Hu- uh ah are you good?" He asked moaning. "Y-yeah just wait a bit." He nodded and after a minute I thrusted against him. I didn't feel pain so I nodded for him to continue.

  He pushed in and out slowly and it was a very weird sensation but I got used to it very quickly. We were both panting and moaning it felt as if the air was being thickened by the second. After some time Natsu gripped my hips and placed my legs on his shoulders. I felt his willie going in even more and let out a big moan. After some time I felt a knot building in my stomach. "Baby I'm about to cum." I heard Natsuo say while panting. "Me too." I informed him and saw as his thrusts became faster and uneven. He let out a big grunt and came inside the condom a second later I came as well. We stood there panting like crazy looking into each other's eyes lovingly. He pulled out and gave me a kiss. "I want to go take a shower." I said and he told me he would do the same. When I got out and went to my room to change I saw him naked and again blushed at his thing. I couldn't believe that I just had sex. He looked at me and in my towel and got dressed faster to leave me alone to change. "I don't mind if you stay." I said. "Really? Well okay then." He put on his swetpants and went to my bed and fixed the sheets. I put on a pair of underwear and a light blue t-shirt. I also made my hair into a braid.

  I turned around and saw Natsuo looking at my but. He looked away quickly and pretended as if he hadn't done anything. I smirked and walked towards him. I layed down on the bed and he hesitantly joined me. It wasn't awkward but it wasn't the most comfortable either. I turned around to see if he was alright and my crotch came in contact with something hard. I looked down and then back up at him. "Seriously? We just had sex." I stated laughing he just blushed. "I'll tell you what. I'll take care of your problem tomorrow because I'm tired to do so now." I told him and saw his eyes widen. He looked at me with the Lenny face look and hugged me.

  After a lot of giggles and lovey dovey stuff we said to each other we both drifted to a calm but filled with love sleep.

So I didn't know how to end it, or write it in general but I did so .... Um yeah enjoy you little sinners I guess ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Katsikavouro's out!
PS I just spent 1706 words on a smut.

unexpected / natsuo todoroki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now