i can't think of a title again

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Smut warning


  I woke up with (y/n) in my arms and was dumbfounded by how beautiful she looked. This was right; That very position we were in was what I was looking for my hole life but never knew I wanted. That was so cheesy.

  "Mmmm-" she started turning as if she was watching a nightmare so I started brushing her hair with my fingers in way of calming her down. It worked. I looked on my right towards her clock and saw that it was 10:15. God we must've been exhausted.

  It was then that my phone started ringing and woke (y/n) up. I hugged her and reached for my phone that was on her nightstand.

  "Hello?" I said sleepily.

  "What do you want? Yeah I kno- You what! Ok I'll text you later bye."

  "Who was it baby?" Asked (y/n) yawning.

  "No time to talk we have to get ready Shoto wants to come over with Momo for something. They'll be here in a hour." I explained.

  "What? Well that doesn't mean we don't have a bit of time to enjoy ourselves~" (N/n) said sexily and I could sense that I was getting horny. "But-" I didn't get to finish, her lips were on mine and I emediatlly deepened the kiss. "Shoto can wait."

  I pushed her back on the bed and laid on top of her. Damn those lips are amazing! I can't believe this is the last day we have without her parents. I took off my shirt and she did the same. I basically attacked her boobs (and because Natsuo's a good boy he doesn't care about the size.) She let out moan and after a while took my head and lifted it away from her chest.

  "I want to try something."


   I carefully pushed him off and started rubbing my hand up and down his clothes crotch. He let out a moan and blushed. Cute. "What are you doing?" Natsu asked me. "What does it look like?" I responded and he smirked letting me do my thing.

  I slowly took of his pants and underwear seeing the annoyance in his eyes because of the low speed. His member was revealed very excitingly I must add. I took it in my palm and thrusted my hand up and down his length. I picked up speed as I was going hearing his small grunts every now and then.

  He sat up adn we changed position so now he was sitting at the end of the bed and I was at my knees with his thing directly at my face. I leaned in and put my lips around it's head and then went down the rest of his stuff. I took in as much as I could and moaned to add friction. Mina told me to do that before vacation. He moaned and my hair into his palm. I started moving up and down moaning once in a while to add friction. I felt his member twitch and pulled my head back now pumping him fast with my hand. He released soon after with a big groany moan?

  "W-wow that was your first time doing that! I-it was so good." He said to me. "Really?" "Yes but now I want to make you feel good." He said putting a condom on and then taking me into a hug. He put two finger in me feeling the wetness between my legs and pulled me back on the bed.

  He then pushed me against the wall by the one side of it and took his fingers out. He slowly put his member in me making both of us moan in delight. He didn't waist any time and started moving in and out.

  He lowered his head towards my chest area and started leaving marks. After a few minutes we both came. He pulled out and took the now soaked condom off. I kissed him passionately when I suddenly looked at my clock and saw that we had about twenty minutes to have shower each and tidy my house.

  I pulled away. "Come Natsu we have to get ready." He nodded and we got up to get ready.

I know what you're thinking: author senpai you haven't been updating for so long and now you're coming back with a smut!

The answer is yes.
So I have a few ideas for new books because I don't know what else to do with this so I'm going to finish it soon.

Katsikavouro's out!

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