i don't have a title

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We had just arrived to the Todoroki household, which I hope will become mine as well. I'm not going to lie, seeing my parents in the hospital beds was as if someone had placed a dagger through my heart. To think that they were alive was watching them in those critical conditions was almost impossible.

I remembered all the amazing times we had had together as a family and tears started to build in my eyes. I snapped out of it when Fuyumi oppend the door and greeted us.

"(Y/n) I have amazing news!!! Father said that if you can take Shoto in a one on one battle you'll be able to stay here. He thinks your quirk is very strong so if you don't beat him he'll give you a chance to improve while training with him." The oldest sibling said excited.

I looked at the other two and their expressions were as if they had seen a ghost. "I guess that father had a change of heart. Why though?" I heard Natsuo mumbling under his breath.

"Thanks for talking to him Fuyumi! When will we start?" I asked her. "Once he comes back, he went somewhere I don't know where though." She responded and I nodded my head as an answer. "Come on I prepared launch." We nodded and went to wash our hands before going to the kitchen.

Shoto left first giving a mischievous smirk before going into the bathroom. I didn't understood why he did though until "So... How are you? I-I mean it must be hard seeing your parents in that condition. My mother is alive so it isn't hard seeing her in the hospital but f-for you it mu" Natsuo started talking to me and I could see that he was nervous.

It was kinda cute but I decided to interrupt him before he went to far. "Thanks for asking Natsuo! It was hard because I hadn't really realized what had happened yesterday, but I knew you were there so I wasn't scared." I said with a cute smile at the end teasing him a bit.

His cheeks turned red which was very visible with his very pale complexion. "... He he ... Yeah I wouldn't leave you there alone." He said rubbing his neck with his right palm. I looked at his eyes. Those amazing grey eyes similar to the colour of the sky on a rainy day, the ones that give you a kind of comfort you can't really explain. His amazing pupils that hide a hint of depression and regret and at the same time so much excitement, the-

"We should go wash our hands I wouldn't want to keep Fuyumi waiting." He said interrupting my train of thought making me realize that I was staring. I blushed out of embarrassment making him chuckle. "Ah.. yeah yes we should... Can you remind me where your bathroom is?" I asked having forgotten the location inside their huge house.

"Follow me!" He said and I walked beside him towards the staircase leading to the top floor that I knew my possible room was. "It's right here!" He said while he oppened the door. "This is also going to be your bathroom from now on since it's by your room. Mine is over there." I looked to where he was pointing at and saw the door by his room. "Thank you for showing me I said entering the bathroom watching him walking towards his own while waiving at me for no reason at all. I chuckled and did the same. 'damn his cute' I thought.

After that we went back down to eat the delicious Japanese styled omelettes Fuyumi had prepared and I couldn't help but steal glances towards the white hair make which Todo noticed since he kept poking my side. One time I attempted to love I saw that he was looking at me as well and emediatlly blushed and Natsuo had the same reaction.

After dinner we heard the door open and a HUGE man walked in.

Sorry for not updating 😅
So I changed the chappters a bit and the next one's going to be the one were you meat endeavor.
I'll update I hope soon but for now...
Katsikavouro's out

unexpected / natsuo todoroki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now