welcome home

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  Your pov

  The door opened and a huge man walked in. He had tomato red hair (😂) and his moustache and eyebrows were made out of fire. I instantly understood that he was endeavor the #2 pro hero aka Enji Todoroki. His eyes gave out a very angry kind of disappointed vibe and his general facial expression was enough to feel the house with bad energy.

  I looked around the table and Natsuo seemed furious. I don't know what this man did to him but I do know what hedid to Shoto and Touya their lost long brother and if he did anything like that to him I don't blame him for acting this way.

  Fuyumi didn't see to bothered by him. 'I guess she has a good past with him.' Shoto seemed exactly the same but in his eyes there was pure anger. Endeavor made his way towards the kitchen and for a moment I didn't thought he would fit in!

  "Hi father" said Fuyumi and nudged the other two to say something as well. "Hi father." They said in a forced voice. Natsuo was holding his fork so hard his knuckles had turned white! The only thing I wanted to do at the moment was give a hug and calm him telling that it would be alright. (Because I am here!)

  Endeavor just nodded and turned to me. "You're the one that fought against my Shoto at the sports festival correct?" He asked me raising an eyebrow. 'Don't stutter don't stutter.' "Yes sir." I said and SURPRISINGLY didn't stutter!. "Yeah I remember you, amazing power 10/10, strategy definitely a 6,5-7/10 bit your technique needs a lot of work."

  "Father you're being unfair that was one month ago and she was against me! I'm one of the bests in ua. You can-"

  "I didn't ask for your opinion Shoto!" Mr Todoroki said quite harshly. "One hour after dinner you come to the training room, Shoto will show where it is, if you're able to take on a fight with him you'll stay here, otherwise I'll find someplace for you to stay at." He explained? Nope definitely demanded. "Yes sir."

  With that he exited the room and went to God knows where. "What does he mean your technique needs a lot of work you're all just teenagers that are expected to be perfect! He can't be so strict all the time, it's just so uhhh!!!" Natsuo said grabbing his hair his voice breaking. I know him only for what one day and i can't help but feel the need to calm him. It was heartbreaking seeing him like that so when Shoto excused himself to go to his room because his appetite was lost and Fuyumi went to see if her father wanted food, leaving me and the second Todoroki brother alone I didn't know what to do.

  I watched as he signed and let himself lose in the chair he was sitting on making his head hang along with his arms. I don't what came through but I just ignored every little negative thought that was on my mind and grabbed his hand, giving him a hug.

  Natsuo's pov

  'I can't believe I just lost my composure like that and in front of (y/n) for fuck's sake! I'm so worried that If she beats Shoto and stays here, that monster will try and do whatever he did to us, worse whatever he did to Shoto.'

  'I signed. There was no reason to get fed up right? It's not like I like her I know her for only a day! It's not like I wouldn't die for her. Ooaah! Okay I did not just think that. Right? Yeah I didn't.'

  'Who am I kidding I'm falling for her and I'm an adult! This is illegal! If she doesn't return my feelings I would be considered a criminal! Shoto though says that I have a chance. Can he be a bit more specific with that I mean it's not like she's giving me any sign- !!!'

  I froze. She's hugging me! (Y/n) (l/n) is hugging ME!!! What do I do? Uuuhhh!?! Hug back. Yeah!!! Okay I'm hugging her as well. God why does she make everything feel so difficult!!!

  As I had wrapped my hands around her I could smell her shampoo since her head was bellow my nose the she was positioned. It smelled like almond milk and honey, maybe a little bit of vanilla was in there too.

  I was enjoying this feeling so much that I forgot every anger I had inside me at the moment. But she pulled away.
  "Are you feeling better?" She asked me, face red and I'm pretty sure her hands were fidgeting behind her back. "Yeah... Yeah I am thank you very much (y/n)". She smiled. Oh her smile was so bright! (If you wear braces here's the part for you: it might be the braces bit I'm pretty sure that her teeth were sparkling!!!) I could say they were sparkling!!! Just like her eyes... Oh that endless ocean of (e/c) was just to much for me to just stand and watch. I got up and hugged her again.

  She was surprised at first but didn't seem bothered. 'This feels right. SHE feels right." I thought. "Why are you hugging me again?" She asked and my face became red! I'm so glad she can't see me right now. "It just felt like the right thing to do." I responded to her and hugged tighter she hugged back and after a while we let go. It was too shy and awkward to talk so we both made an excuse and left from the kitchen.

Time skip to the fight

Your pov

  Shoto was standing in position at the other side of the training room. Endeavor was sitting at a stool in the middle observing our every move. I was still a bit shaken up from what had happened apwith Natsuo but it just was one more reason for me to win. So that I can see him every day.

  "Begin!" Yelled endeavor and I waisted no time oppening my wings and covering theem with flames, when I saw Shoto throwing ice daggers to me. I turned around and heard as they became little shreds because of my irestructable wings. I turned back around and used mu fire to make small daggers. Todo didn't know I could do that so it gave me enough time to lunch an attack! While he was busy with daggers I created a flame ring around him and made the tmlerature really high so that he would become dizzy. A normal person would have fainted right now but since he has fire powers as well he was just a bit tipsy.

  That was my chance to get closer to him. I flew right behind him and attempted to give him a punch but he turned around and grabbed my hand. Since he wasn't very powerful because of the heat he tripped and we both fell down. Unfortunately I fell on my back which resulted in my wing Maki a cracking sound. I let out a loud yell and tried getting up. I realized that it would be very hard in this state so I covered it in flames and this time it worked! I fell on top of Shoto who tried pushing me back with his ice but since he was dizzy and too stubborn to use his fire to deal with it he missed. I didn't miss the chance and started punching him in the face. After four punches he was out of consciousness.

  I fell belly down on the floor and deactivated my quirk. My left wing started hurting again. I wasn't able to put it back in. Yup definitely broken. I tried touching it with my hand and found a piece of ice stuck between the feathers. I pulled it out and let me tell you was it a bad choice. I let out a scream.

  After a minute I calmed down and watched as endeavor stood up and made his way towards me. He bowed down to my level and said. "Welcome home (l/n) (y/n)" and lifted me up along with Todo taking us to the nursery.

And it's a wrap! Huh 1478 words😎
So here's a long chapter since I'm going on vacation and won't update for like five days or something since I won't be able to😢

Anyways if you have any request for the story just write it in the comments and if I can I'll put it in.

Oh and also thanks for the frickin fucking 231!!!!! Views this story has in total.

Oh and also thanks for the frickin fucking 231!!!!! Views this story has in total

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Katsikavouro's out
Oh and sorry if there are mistakes it's freaking five am right now.

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