the walk home

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Third person pov

  It was Friday and the bell signalling the end of the school day had just rang. (Y/n) was packing her stuff and once she was ready, she got out of the classroom and waited for her best friend shoto todoroki. A minuite hadn't pass by and the boy walked out of the classroom. Today (y/n) was going to be spending the night at his house. Since his father wouldn't be home and her parents were working late, todoroki invited her to stay at his house.

(Y/n) pov

  We got out of the school and started walking towards the todoroki household. I actually haven't met any members of his family yet, besides his father at the sports festival. That was when me and todoroki first started hanging out. Now it's summer break and today was the last day of school. FINALLY SUMMER. "Hey (y/n) follow me" todoroki said, I nodded my head yes and did as I was told. We went into a sidewalk and once we got at the other side the most beautiful view was in front of my eyes. Cherry blossoms. A cherry blossom street is one of the most beautiful things in this world.

  You see my family is from (were you are from) and there aren't cherry blossoms there, so when we moved to Japan and I saw them for the first time I was shocked. I still can't get enough of them. Todoroki knows how much I like them and whenever there is a chance for me to see them he makes sure I won't miss it.

  We continued our way through the the street and I stopped todoroki in front of a mini market. "How could we have a sleepover without snacks?" I asked todoroki and pulled him inside. I told him to buy anything he wanted because my parents had gave me a lot of money. He bought two packs of chips, a paprika flavoured one and some fish chips. I got (f/f) chips and a pack of shrimp chips. We also got a lot of chocolates and when I say a lot, I I mean A LOT. I went to grab my wallet but todoroki insisted that he would pay at least for the half of the snacks, so I let him.

  We got out of the store and ten minuites later we reached a traditional Japanese looking house. Todoroki and I walked in the yard and when we reached the door he pulled his keys out of his backpack and opened the door.

"Fuyumi I'm home. (Y/n) is here as well." Todoroki said to ... I guess his sister.

  Not long after a woman with white hair that had red at the ends came into the hall. Todoroki told me to take my shoes of and leave them at the door mat. After that I went and and introduced my self to the woman.

"Hi! I'm (y/n) (l/n) it's very nice to meet you"
"Hi (l/n) it's very nice to meet you too! I am Todoroki Fuyumi. Shoto told me you were spending the night here so I cleaned the room next to shoto's if you don't feel comfortable sleeping in the same room as him. I also put a mat at his room if you want to sleep together."
"Thank you so much Mrs Todoroki you didn't have to do all that."
"I wanted to don't worry, the food's almost ready so go wash your hands, I'm looking at you shoto, and come to the kitchen"
"What do you mean by that?" Shoto aksed offended but let it slip and showed me to the bathroom.

  If anybody's reading this what do you think?
  Also if you have any nice song recommendations for the chapters let me know.
  And if you don't understand some keys ask in the comments and I will tell you what they mean.

Katsikavouro's out!!!

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