final chapter

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(y/n) had tears welling up in her eyes as she listened to what her boyfriend was saying. "I-I I'm sorry b-but I think It is for the best for both of us." the white-headed male said his voice cracking while saying those words. "But Natsu... w-we can try long distance! O-or I-I can come visit you on vacation! let's just think about it for a second." the girl said trying her best to keep her composure and not let her tears roll down her cheeks. "Why try something that won't work? Long distance NEVER works and you know it." he said in a stern voice making her (e/c) eyes widen in realization. "No... you just don't want to be with me anymore. Is that it Natsuo?" he froze at those words. That wasn't what he wanted but he was moving to America, he couldn't make her wait on him. She was only eighteen and graduating UA in a few months. She was in the best three students of the academy and had a lot of potential. He wanted her to succeed and be happy; so what if she wouldn't be happy with him? As much as it hurt him it was a choice that he was willing to make. "ANSWER ME!!!" she yelled in frustration. "(y/n).. I love you with all my heart but- I-I think it is best to end it here." the girl took a few steps away from him, mouth hanging open her eyes not showing any particular emotion. She grabbed her coat and backpack and walked towards the door. She turned her head to the side her hair falling on her face messily. "Goodbye Natsuo; Have fun in America." and just like that she was gone.


The girl entered the dorm of class 1C not bothering to engage in any conversations. Instead she headed straight for her best friends' room. She opened the door and found the different hair colored boy playing on his phone not looking up since she was the only one that entered his room without knocking. "DID YOU KNOW?" she said in distress making him flinch by how loud her voice was. "Know what?" he asked and she broke down. Hot tears stained her face and clothes as she threw herself at him . He just hugged her stroking her back in an attempt to sooth her.


"WHAT THE FUCK NATSUO!?" Shoto yelled at his brother. "Shoto she can achieve so much in these four years that I'll be away. Making her keep on to me will just slow her down." he said not daring to look at his fuming brother. "I just hope you're right about this." Shoto said and left his brother's room realizing that the situation was hard for him as well.


"WE LOVE YOU FIRESTORM" the fans yelled as (y/n) flew around the city on patrol. She was now twenty-three years old and the number 6 hero. From the moment she graduated she decided to find an agency to get straight into hero work. She ended up in the hawks agency along with Tokoyami which was great since they already knew each other and had fun together. Shoto was int a relationship with Yaoyorozou and Natsuo had ended up staying in America for a few more years to get his doctorate. (y/n) had tried dating but no one really caught her interest. However, she did have a date tonight with a friend of Shoto's.


He was a handsome young man very tall with a hilarious personality. His name was Inasa Yoarashi and in all honesty he made (y/n) forget about Natsuo something she really wanted. He dropped the girl at her house after their first date. They were standing in front of her door when she suddenly grabbed his shirt in the gentlest way possible and pulled him in for kiss. At first he was surprised but he kissed back after a second.


It was a nice and peaceful morning when Inasa found (y/n) his girlfriend cooking breakfast in his house after having spent the night that he decided he wanted to move in with her. The girl asked for a while to think about his proposal getting out to the balcony. Once outside she pulled out her phone and went to contacts. On the top there was Inasa's phone number with a picture of her on his shoulders that made her smile but then she looked bellow it seeing the name she dreaded. Natsuo Todoroki. On his pic was a picture of him she always loved. With ha heavy heart she clicked on options and pressed delete. With a sigh she went back inside and found Inasa looking at her expectantly. "Let's do it" she said and he engulfed her in a warm hug.


A year had passed ever since (y/n) and Inasa had moved in together and things hadn't been going well. Natsuo had returned to Japan and (y/n) couldn't help but long to see him. Eventually she broke up with Inasa saying that her feelings weren't mutual and that she didn't want to lie to him about the way she felt.

It was now Christmas and the newly wed Shoto and Momo had their annual party. (y/n) walked inside their house in her favorite outfit greeting a few people in a search for her friends but her dismay she ended up tripping. But to her surprise she never hit the ground. She felt two strong arms around her waist and she opened her eyes to be met with love filled grey ones. "Natsuo-" she managed to get out as he pulled her to her feet. He had matured and become even prettier if that was even possible. The tight red long-sleeved shirt he wore made his muscles show making (y/n) avert her gaze.

To be honest (y/n) hadn't stopped loving him even after he had broken her heart because after all she had accomplished she realized that holding on to him would not have benefited her at all. The fact that he had said what she needed to hear to reach the place she was in made him even more attractive to her eyes. If he hadn't, she might not had become the number 3 hero. "Hi." he said in a happy but surprised tone. "How are you?" she asked back and just like that they engaged into conversation.


(y/n) and Natsuo were walking hand in hand at the beach. She was now 29 years old and in the second year in her relationship with him. He suddenly started running towards the water and she followed him. They were now splashing water around as they were "playing" in the edges of the sea when he got on one knee and pulled out a beautiful ring. (y/n) immediately stiffened awaiting for the words that would then exit his mouth. "(y/n)... you are the most wonderful woman I've ever met. I know you're the only one I want to share the rest of my life with. I know my life will never be complete without you beside me to share it. When I look into my heart, I see only you. If you can look into your heart and only see me, then we should spend the rest of our lives together. I promise you, no one will work harder to make you happy or cherish you more than me. I don't really know what I'm supposed to do if you say no, so could you save us both the trouble and say yes?" She was speechless so instead of saying anything she just sat down in front of him bringing his face in for a passionate kiss. He immediately kissed back and after they broke away he took her hand and delicately slid the ring on her finger as she cried tears of joy.

The end. 

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